I ignored his threat as I silently laughed to myself, settling in the warmth of his car. I turned the heat up as my shivering slowly went away and was replaced with warmth all around me. Jax pulled out onto the open road as I took a deep breath. I slumped my shoulders, trying to wash away all the stress from the school day. It was another day of the exact same cycle. Numbness surrounded me, as it does every day. I've been living like this for so long, I almost find comfort in the darkness. My body turned over to Jax, as I suddenly remembered the whole reason why I was angry at him.

"What took you so long? I was waiting for over an hour."

My eyes formed into slits as I questioned Jax. His raven hair appeared even darker in the car. It had to be the darkest shade of black. He shrugged, his midnight blue eyes not meeting mine. His eyes were a mystery I could stare into all day. There was a deep layer of hurt behind them. Anyone could see that simply by making eye contact with them. I could tell by Jax's sudden shift in his mood that he wanted to avoid the question.

"Nothing. Lost track of time."

Jax focused his eyes on the road, once again, avoiding mine. He wanted to avoid eye contact with me, hide the broken pieces that only showed in his eyes. I turned away from him. Jax would only grow with anger if I questioned a single word he said. I wasn't in the mood to start an argument with him. I wasn't in the mood to do anything. Out of every being in this world, Jax seems to be the only person who understands my pain. My mind thinks he's able to fathom it, because his soul is feeling that same pain. Jax has his way of making the hurt better, without suffocating me with forced empathy. Every conversation shared between the two of us has been real. More real than any words spoken with anyone else on this earth. Him and I met just under a year ago, and we've practically been attached at the hip ever since. There's no telling where I'd be if he never came into my life. I always find myself trying to push away my feelings for him, which isn't exactly easy to do. He's the only person I let see the real me underneath the mask. The only human who sees the true frown behind the fake grin. Jax is the only human being I feel I truly connect with.

Everyone else around me acts as if they're living in a fake world. A world without pain or sorrow. A world without reality. A world where they never feel any emotion besides pure happiness. Jax has helped me through so much this past year. I don't know where I'd be without him. I've imagined what it would be like to be loved by him countless times. It would be fulfilling, but still seems as if it would be incomplete. It's as if there is something greater out there waiting for me. Or, possibly that there is nothing and never will be a love that can heal every part of me.

"In two weeks, it'll be 365 days since we met. I can't believe it's already been a year."

Jax's lips slightly curved upwards as he said this. There was an unreadable look in his eyes as the words fell from his lips. It was as if my thoughts were pouring out from me, showing the entire world.

I can't believe it's already been a year.

The words kept repeating in my head as the memories flashed through my mind. A few days from now would be the first anniversary of my Mom's death. This was my first year living on this planet without her. I closed my eyes. The image of my Mother's lifeless body with her eyes staring right at me was still fresh in my mind. An image I will carry with me until the day I die. That frightful day played over in my head. My chest felt heavy as I tried to erase the image from me. Her death will always leave a hole in my heart. It will always be an unanswered question that claws at my brain.

Jax went on to talk about all his favorite memories that we have shared, but I only continued to zone out as I stared at the trees passing by. Beautiful white snow began to cover the ground, barely an inch scattered onto the roads. I eventually tuned out Jax's voice entirely as I only focused on the falling snow. Each individual snowflake had its own unique design, every single one intricately different from the other. My sight caught one that completely stood out from the rest. It was almost as if it were glowing, captivating me with its appearance. We pulled up to a stoplight, as the snowflake landed on a black car that pulled up beside us. I locked eyes with the driver, causing a chill to go up my entire body.


An unexplainable feeling ran through my bones as I held his capturing stare. His head was turned towards me, his piercing silver eyes gazing straight into mine. I had never seen a pair of eyes so silver in my life. I lost my breath as everything around me seemed to fade away. Nothing else seemed to exist as I lost myself in the eyes of this mystery man. He looked about my age, maybe even a few years older. His eyes captivated me as I let myself escape into them. I suddenly wanted to know this man. I wanted to know every little detail about him. I wanted to know his fears, his strengths. His deepest desires. His eyes were the most beautiful silver orbs. They had small designs in each one, mirroring lightning bolts. Neither of us looked away as we continued to stare each other down. A hand placed itself on my shoulder, pulling me away from my trance as I turned to Jax.

"Dev, what the hell are you looking at?"

Jax's voice was filled with confusion as my eyes went back over the where the man in the black car was. He was gone. I felt an overwhelming feeling of loss as I stared into the empty space of where the silver eyes once were. He vanished into thin air, as if he were never there in the first place. Almost as if he were an angel I had conjured up in my mind. Never in my life has I seen that much beauty in front of my eyes. The seconds we shared weren't enough to take in every inch of him. They weren't enough at all. My mouth parted as I scanned up and down the road, only to find it as empty as it was before. I rubbed my eyes, shaking it off as I slumped over in the passenger seat.

"Nothing. I saw nothing."

Every Broken Part (Series)Where stories live. Discover now