I had to pack up my things at his place like I'd done at Caleb's.

I had some extra boxes in my trunk so I was good.

When I got to the condo building Stewart lived in I parked in the parking garage.

I took the elevator up to the unit he lived in hoping he'd be here to let me in.

I had given him back his key when I ended things between us.

I knocked on the front door when I arrived outside his unit.

A few seconds past before he opened the door.

He was in his suit and tie dressed like he was headed to the office.

"Finally ready to come home?" he asked as he looked at me.

"I'm here to pack my things. Hint's the boxes in my hands Stewart," I said.

I walked past him and inside his condo. I heard the door shut as I headed back to the bedroom.

I put the boxes down once I got in the bedroom and I started with packing my things from the top dresser drawer.

"I don't know why you are doing this. It's unnecessary Zoey," Stewart said.

"We're over so it's very necessary even if you refuse to accept it," I said.

"You're getting back with him aren't you?" Stewart asked.

"No but if I was what would it matter! You really hurt him Stewart! You didn't have to beat him up the way you did! I've never seen you so angry! What was all that about anyway?" I asked as I put my things into a box.

"He deserved to get his ass beat! I'd do it again and again! I'm not sorry and I never will be! He wasn't sorry after what he did!" Stewart said boiling mad.

I saw Stewart balling up his fist and his face was getting red.

He was getting angry all over again.

But for what?

"What happened in college between you two? Why does Caleb make you so angry?" I asked.

I stopped packing and stood waiting for Stewart to talk.

I wanted to know where their issues stem from.

"He's a bad person! Just trust me Zoey!" Stewart shouted angrily.

Stewart didn't seem to want to calm down and I needed him to calm down and talk to me.

I walked up to him and cupped his face in my hands.

He locked eyes with me and I could hear him breathing heavily.

"Calm down! Just breath... talk to me Stewart," I coaxed.

Stewart un-balled his fist. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He reached out and placed his hands to my hips.

"She was perfect. She was mine. He took her away from me," Stewart said sadly.

"Who? Who are you talking about Stewart?" I asked.

"Kyla... my girlfriend Kyla," Stewart said.

"Who is Kyla?" I asked.

"My girlfriend from high school and college. I was in love with the perfect girl and he took her away from me!" Stewart shouted getting angry again.

"He stole your girlfriend in college? That's what this is about?" I asked.

"He didn't steal my girlfriend!" Stewart said offended as he pushed my hands off his face.

He began to pace the floor and seemed frustrated.

"She wasn't tasteless! She had standards and would never be with a druggie like Caleb! But he in a state of coked up stupidity pushed her off a balcony at a frat house party. I still remember getting to the house that night and seeing her body sprawled out in the middle of the walkway. I looked up and Caleb was looking down from the balcony he pushed her from... looking at what he'd done. I was there because she texted me. That night my sister had done some coke and she wanted me to come get her before something bad happened. But I wasn't quick enough. Something bad did happen. Kyla was pushed off a balcony and killed on impact from her fall," Stewart said full of sadness.

I saw him begin to cry.

"I'm sorry that happed but I'm sure it was an accident. Caleb probably didn't mean to do something like that," I said.

"STOP DEFENDING HIM!" Stewart shouted.

I jumped back startled by his tone.

"He beat you didn't he! Drugs have him do all kinds of things that he never takes responsibility for! Well I'm going to protect you and our child from him! You won't have the same fate as Kyla," Stewart said as he came towards me.

"Caleb is different now! He's been in treatment! He's not that same person! He's not a junkie anymore," I said as I moved around Stewart.

"You're so naïve! He's not rehabbed! He's not clean! Once an addict always an addict! Besides who would you rather be a father to your child! A stand up man like me who will protect and love you or a good for nothing coke snorting murder like Caleb!" Stewart said.

"Stewart I know losing someone you love had to hurt. But if Caleb wasn't charged maybe it didn't happen the way you think," I reasoned.

"Zoey it happened just how I know it happened! He pushed her off that balcony," Stewart argued.

"But why? Why would he do that?" I questioned.

"Who knows what he was thinking in his high state of mind! All I know is that night I regret letting Kyla even leave the apartment. Had she never gone running after Courtney to that party she would have never encountered Caleb and been killed," Stewart said.

Stewart came towards me and pulled me into his embrace. He hugged me protectively and brushed his fingers through my hair.

"Zoey you gotta trust me baby. Caleb is not who you think he is. You can't give him the benefit of the doubt. You can't trust him. He shouldn't be anywhere near you or the baby," Stewart said.

As Stewart held me in his arms desperately as if he was protecting me from the whole world I wondered about Caleb's side to all this.

I had to get Caleb's side before just taking Stewart's word for it. 

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