A New Beginning

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As I felt myself coming to my senses the next morning, I grimaced as I felt Sasuke squeeze my breast as he hugged me from behind.

"Good morning," came his raspy voice, followed soon after by his lips gracing the crook of my neck. I let out a groan as I felt a numb stinging from between my legs, wondering if Sasuke had really succeeded in his goal.

"I don't think I can move properly," I said in a quiet voice, face going red in embarrassment as I attempted to move my legs but only managed to grunt in pain.

"At least your throat still works," teased the Uchiha, his hand trailing down from my chest and resting on my hip. "I told you, didn't I?"

"Very funny," I said hoarsely, willing myself to sit up. As I did so, I let out a loud groan, eliciting a laugh from a very amused Sasuke.

"This isn't funny, we're meant to be leaving Suna tomorrow!" I winced, scrunching my eyes shut as I steeled myself to move. Last night had been full of exploration and fervour, and if a body part could be used to please the other, well... it was used.

"I'm sure everyone will be understanding. We haven't seen each other in eight months, after all. Surely they must be expecting something like this to happen."

With a scowl, I grabbed the last remaining pillow on the bed and threw it at Sasuke's smug face.

"That's not helpful!"


"Hey, Tera. We started packing for you, but I wasn't sure what you wanted to take, and what you wanted to return to Gaara."

Sasuke and I stood at the door of my bedroom later in the afternoon, watching as Kannon stepped aside and revealed the boxes she had been packing with our things.

"I think we'll just be taking the clothes," I sighed, bumbling my way past Sasuke and into the room. Smirking at me as I waddled past him, the raven found it an invitation to reach out and squeeze my ass, much to my chagrin.

"Okay, that's cool. There aren't that many anyway."

"Thanks, Kannon," I grimaced, tenderly seating myself on the edge of the bed. "Where are Naruto and the kids?"

"In my room. I've already packed my things to go, so I thought I'd come and give your things a head start as well."

"You didn't have to," I said, glaring at Sasuke as he joined me on the bed. "When are you leaving?"

"I'll be heading off as soon as you guys head out," said Kannon, folding a shirt and placing it in the box before her. "I'll see you guys off, and then make my way over to the Land of Water. My parents are somewhere outside Kirigakure, so I have to look for them."

"You guys must have a lot to catch up on," I laughed, eyes resting sadly on Kannon's scarred face. "I'm sorry again, Kannon."

"What for?"

"All your... scarring," I said, mouth drawn in a taut line as I berated myself for Kannon's injuries once more. Kannon merely laughed, waving my apology off.

"Relax, it wasn't your fault," she chuckled. "The bitch responsible for it is dead, so I'm satisfied."

"And... thank you." Kannon and I turned towards Sasuke as he offered his appreciation, both of us wondering if we were mishearing things.

"Uh, you're welcome!" she managed to blurt out, looking at me with wide eyes at his sudden thanks.

"No, really. Thank you. For taking care of Tera and the children. For sticking around as long as you have. I really didn't think you would be as loyal as you turned out to be, but I'm glad you proved me wrong. If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to reach out to us for help. Our door is always open."

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