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"Amaterasu-san, the Kazekage would like to see you."

I stood at my bedroom door early one morning while holding Shisui in one arm, surprised by the sight of a messenger from Gaara's office delivering me the news of his return.

"Gaara's back?"

"Yes. He and Kannon-san have returned."

"Does that mean all the fighting...?"

"I'm afraid I cannot answer your question, Amaterasu-san."

"That's fine. Thank you. I'll be over as soon as I can."

As I shut the door behind the messenger, I felt Ayumi clinging onto my leg as I backed away from the door, laughing at her as she whined for me to pick her up as well.

"Ayumi, it's time for us to get ready," I instructed the pouting girl, patting her on the head as she released me from her grip. "Uncle Gaara and aunty Kannon are back! Let's go see them!"


"Long time no see, Amaterasu-chan."

Gaara greeted me as I walked into his office with Ayumi that afternoon, grinning as I pushed ahead Shisui's pram. Now that May was coming to an end, the heat had begun to swelter, meaning that summer was well and truly on its way.

"Gaara!" I cheered as I walked over to the Kazekage and gave him an informal one armed hug, parking Shisui's pram against the front of his desk. "Welcome back! It's been months- does this mean the fighting's over? Is everyone coming home soon?"

"Actually, I returned because Kannon and I had to deliver a very, uh, important person to Suna," explained the redhead, nodding at me as I took a seat and placed Ayumi on my lap.

"Really? Who?" I asked keenly, leaning as far forward as I could without squishing my daughter. "Your messenger said Kannon was back as well. Is she staying, or is she going back to rejoin Tsunade-sama?"

"No, for the time being Kannon and I are here to stay," replied Gaara, glancing at the clock hanging on his office wall. "She should be here soon."

"Who's the oh so important person you two had to deliver to Suna?" I asked, thoroughly curious as to who was so influential that they needed Gaara to return them to the village. "Was it another Kage?"

"God, no," chuckled Gaara, shaking his head at my speculation. "No, no one of that caliber."

"Then who was it?"

As if on cue, there was a knock at the door.

"Come in!"

I craned my neck to see Kannon pushing her way through the door, beaming brightly as she ushered in a little boy with black hair and fair skin. Blinking in surprise, I turned back to Gaara and asked, "What exactly did you guys do?"

He doesn't look like either of them, so...

Oh, come on, Tera! They've only been gone for seven months- this kid is way too old to be a product of theirs!

Excuse me, a product?!

You know what I meant.

"Come on, Tera," chortled Kannon, breaking my internal dialogue and gently taking the little boy's hand, leading him towards the empty seat beside me. "Yuta, do you want to sit down?"

I smiled at Yuta as he came to a halt beside me, but he shyly shook his head and dived straight into Kannon's arms, making her laugh as she sat down and pulled him into her lap.

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