The Project

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I spent the night under Karin's watchful eye, but couldn't bring myself to sleep. Kagura and I were the only ones there.


The next morning, things really began to come into motion.

"Okay, Kohana, we've run your tests, and you'll be seeing a panel of our councilors today," explained Karin as she handed me a fresh change of clothes, after Kagura and I had brushed our teeth and washed our faces. "Your escort will be here in a few minutes, get changed, quickly."

"Me and Kagura?"

"Just you," said Karin, as she went over to Kagura's bed. "Quickly!"

Closing the curtains around my own bed, I hurriedly changed out of yesterday's clothes and into my new ones, just in time to hear the sound of the door opening. It was quiet, yet still slightly audible, and I rushed to put my sneakers on. I shoved Sho into my bra once more, and yelped as my curtain was torn open, revealing a not very happy looking Sasuke.

Does this guy have any common decency?!

"You. Let's go," he said dryly, while I saw Karin staring longingly at him over his shoulder.

"Good morning, Sasuke," she said in a warm voice. The Uchiha ignored her, and grabbed me by the wrist.

"One wrong move and I'll snap you in half," he said to me under his breath, pushing me out of the door.

"Bye, Karin! Bye Kagura!" I said, trying to irritate Sasuke even more. He kicked me in the calves, making me yelp and refocus my attention on the path at hand.

"Ouch! Rude," I muttered, lagging along as the sting of his boot against my skin left me annoyed.

"Fuck you," he hissed, leaving me taken aback. Okay. For the rest of the trip I stayed silent, weaving through corridors and going down stairs and elevators until we came to a halt before a door, with the plaque "MEETING IN PROGRESS" situated on the wall.

Paying no heed to the sign, Sasuke did more hand signs in front of the scanning pad and opened the door, pushing me in. I walked in to see a chair in the center of a bunch of desks set up in a U shape, where every seat was occupied by those who I assumed were Uchiha. Among the faces I recognised Shisui and Naruto, who both grinned at my entrance. I walked to the seat and sat down, while Sasuke took his seat at the top of the U shape, on the left hand side of a man who I recognised as the one I had met with the kind lady and Naori in his office before.

"Kohana Yoruno. Origins unknown, yet has shown equal affinity towards water and fire. If shown correctly, can be taught how to use Boil Release. Has potential to master both natures as well as learn to master a third nature, if the need ever arises." The man next to Sasuke spoke with a dullness in his voice, a stark contrast to the reactions of his peers, who all looked at me as if I were some sort of intriguing specimen.

"Would she be deemed worthy to be a part of our military force, then?" piped up another man, with dark grey hair.

"No," was the reply from the man sitting next to the leader. "She's untrained, therefore, unable to be an efficient part of our military."

"Why can we not train her then?"

"It would take too long," said the leader. "We can teach her the basic skills, such as moulding her chakra, but as for teaching her how to perform jutsu, we won't attempt it."

"But, Fugaku-sama, how will we know if we don't try? For all we know, this woman could have been a prodigy!"

"Because, Kagami, her role has already been decided," said Fugaku with finality. "She is here before us today because we're going to match her to the person whose traits would greatly enhance her own. I have the medical reports here, from Kabuto and Karin, showing me just who would be the perfect match."

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