Serious Talk

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"We can't just run off like this all the time."

"When we go back to Konoha, we won't have the luxury of babysitters like Kannon to look after the kids while we have some alone time. We need to make the most of it. Besides, I haven't seen you in nearly eight months- we need some time together too, you know."

I huffed as I lay on the bed of our hotel room, still feeling guilty about asking Kannon and Naruto to babysit Ayumi and Shisui so that Sasuke and I could spend the night together unencumbered. After our short trip to the pool, we grabbed lunch with Kannon and Naruto before heading back to our rooms, where we showered and cleaned up for an early night. Well, they got ready for bed- for once, Sasuke and I had mutually decided that we needed some space to talk, and that required time away from the children.

"You have a point," I mumbled, watching the Uchiha as he turned on the air conditioner. "Come on. Let's talk."

"Do you want the lights on or off?"

"On. I haven't seen you in eight months." Sasuke chuckled at my quip, and kicked past the pile of blankets lying on the floor as he headed towards me and joined me on the bed.

We simultaneously turned to face each other, smiling goofily as we did so. It was true, eight months had been long and hard- but even now, I felt butterflies in my stomach as we made eye contact, and all my longing and pining for him overtook me.

"I missed you," I said softly, propelling myself forward and pushing my body against Sasuke's. The bed shifted as he raised his arm and placed it over me, embracing me as he leaned down and placed a kiss on the top of my head.

"Thank god that's the last time we'll ever have to be separated for that long," he murmured, pulling me close as his body relaxed. "It must have been so hard for you."

"You're the one who went to war, Sasuke. I think you had a worse time than I did," I chuckled. "If you can, could you tell me about what happened? If you don't want to, then that's fine too. I can give you boring updates of what happened in Suna while you were gone."

"I would love to tell you, but it would take me forever to sum up what happened over the past eight months."

"That's okay too."

"... but I do want you to know." Sasuke's tone dropped, and I was brought back to full alert.

"No Uchiha were spared," he said in a steady voice. "They were all killed without hesitation."


"Yes, for the most part."

"For the most part...?"

"The... children who were born from the project are being relocated into orphanages across Konoha," elaborated Sasuke. "Some of the women in the project have, quite bravely, stated that they would like to keep their children. Others... not so much. And I don't blame them, either."

"Oh- okay," I said weakly, knowing that even if I wanted to, there was nothing I could do to help these children anyway. "That's good, I guess. But are there enough orphanages for them to go around?"

"Well... not really. But since many of the children are young, there are high hopes that they'll be adopted fairly quickly."

"Alright, I guess that can't be helped."

"And I know I should have discussed this with you earlier, but... I requested that the Hokage bar Shisui's children from being put up for adoption, at least for the time being."

"So Kagura didn't want them, huh?"

"Actually... Kagura died a while back." My heart sunk at the news, and although I knew in my heart that something bad would happen to the young girl eventually, I didn't realise it would mean death for her. "After she gave birth to Tsukasa, she was reassigned to another man. She didn't want it, and... she took her own life."

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