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Our visits to Sasuke continued to be plagued by Baki's presence, but that didn't change anything. As a matter of fact, Baki simply became another Kannon: there to observe, but never participate in the conversation.

The days leading up to June the thirteenth went as normally as possible; I tried to act as natural as possible. And although I knew that the day was inevitable, when it arrived, I didn't know what to do.

I woke up earlier than usual that morning, early enough just to catch the sun rising on the horizon. As I got out of bed and headed towards the balcony, I opened the door and felt the gentle summer breeze against my face.

Closing my eyes and inhaling deeply, I sighed and sat down outside, staring out over a slowly awakening Suna. For some reason, the morning felt slow, and it wasn't until I heard Kannon at the door that I stood up.

"What's the plan for today, boss?"

With a shrug, I let her in.

"I don't know. Should we risk it and go down to the prison?" I asked, unsure of whether or not that was allowed. "I mean, we're supposed to act like we don't know, right?"

Kannon looked just as uncertain as I was, and shrugged at my question.

"We don't even know what time he's being released."

"Should we go to Gaara's office then?"

"If you want."


Twenty minutes later, Kannon, Ayumi and I were making our way down to the Kazekage's office, fearing what the day would bring. As we got to the door, the two guards posted outside looked at us warily.

"The Kazekage hasn't arrived yet," said one of them, wearing a Suna forehead protector and turban.

"Oh, okay. I guess we'll wait out here."

We waited outside the office with the two guards for another ten minutes, before the Kazekage made his entrance through the elevator flanked by none other than Baki.

"Oh- what are you two doing here?" he asked, mildly surprised at our appearance. Kannon straightened up and nodded at him, saying, "Just stopped by for a chat."

With a chuckle, Gaara said, "Of course," and walked into his office after the guards had opened it for him. Baki followed suit, with me and Kannon bringing up the rear. As soon as the door had closed, I pushed Ayumi's pram against Gaara's desk and sat next to it, feeling my stomach churn.

"Where's Tsunade-sama?" I asked, noting the Hokage's absence from the room.

"She's organising the exchange squad," said Gaara, glancing at Baki out of the side of his eyes. "What is it that you wanted to talk about?"

"When will Sasuke be released?"

Gaara began chewing on his lip, as if contemplating what he wanted to say.

"Soon. We've scheduled to meet the Uchiha at a remote location in the desert to complete the changeover," he said elusively, making me sigh at his lack clarity.

"So I take it I won't be seeing him again?"

As I said it, my heart sank, but I didn't let it get me down. I had made sure that last night would be a memorable one, and tried to say goodbye to Sasuke as lowkey as I could without making it obvious that something was amiss.

"That's... debatable."

I frowned and turned to Kannon, who looked just as bemused as I was.

"Baki here was just... headed down to the prison. So, if you were to tag along, I'm sure you would surely make it there on time to see Sasuke's release... seeing as the only time you're allowed to visit is when Baki is there... and right now is the only time he's free to go down to the prison, so you couldn't possibly visit him in the evening..."

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