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I woke up the next morning alarmed at the suspicious amount of sleep I was getting. There had been no knock at my door from Shisui to signal his arrival, or anyone barging into my room to tell me to get up for breakfast.

However, I wasn't complaining. I wasn't hungry anyway.

Yawning and stretching my arms up high, I rubbed my eyes and swung my legs off of my bed as I made my way to the bathroom to freshen up for the day. Seeing as no-one had checked up on me yet, I didn't know when to expect an escort to arrive, so I decided that I might as well just sit around and wait.

Taking my time to shower and brush my teeth, when I was changed I looked at my reflection in the mirror.

"It's been a while since I braided my hair," I said in realisation as I ran my brush through my tangled locks. Ever since I had arrived at the compound, I'd always either tied my hair up in a simple ponytail or bun, or left it down. I missed the feeling of having my hair done nicely, so that's what I did. It took me about ten minutes to complete two braids that ran down my back, and, satisfied with my work, I flicked them over my shoulder with a triumphant smirk.

"You look good," I winked to myself, before turning around and heading back into my room. I tidied up my bed, put Sho on top of my pillow, and then sat down again as I stared boredly at my door.

I don't know how much time passed after that, but I ended up flopping back down onto my bed anyway and stared glumly at the ceiling. Being confined all day was killing my brain cells, or what little brain cells I had left.

When I heard the faint sound of my door opening, I leapt up in excitement, hoping to see Shisui so that we could go to another lesson. I was keen to pick up on where I had left off with Itachi, and hoped that Shisui would delve more into Fire Transformation jutsu with me.


My heart sank as I saw that it was Sasuke, and I sat back down on my bed in disappointment. He shot me a small scowl, before stepping into the room and shutting the door behind him.

"You missed breakfast," he said coldly, making me shrug indifferently. "I have to take you up for lunch now."

"Where's Shisui?" I asked, looking over his shoulder. "Isn't he usually my escort?"

"He's busy," was the only reply I got.

"Do you know if I'll be resuming my lessons with him and Itachi? He said that if we continued, he would be able to teach me more fire jutsu and-"

"I don't know. Let's go."

I frowned as I rose to my feet without further questions, slipping on my shoes and meekly standing before Sasuke so that he could cover my eyes. I heard the door open, and was gently nudged forward, which made me wonder if Sasuke was just too tired to be vile towards me today.

"Will Shisui come back?"

"He's going on a mission. I have to look after you."

I didn't think I could feel any worse, but I did. My stomach churned at the thought of having to spend every waking day with Sasuke, and then share a bed with him at night. I really, truly, missed Shisui's company. Or even Itachi's. Anyone was better than having to deal with Sasuke this often.

"Oh." Mightily crestfallen, I lost all motivation to speak and continued to walk along in silence.

"What's wrong with you?"

Sasuke's question came as a shock to me, and I turned my head in his direction with an eyebrow raised.

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