First Night

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That night, I sat anxiously as I awaited the Uchiha's arrival in my small room.

Curled up on my bed with my back against the wall, I hugged my legs to my chest as I stared at the door, just waiting for it to open.

This can't be happening, I thought to myself, over and over. There must be something else we have to do. 

God knows how long I sat there, waiting for the moment of truth. But it must have been long enough for me to be fully drained of all emotion by the time Sasuke swung by.

Eyes glazed over and heart rate dropping to a slow, steady beat, I heard the door open before I visually processed it. Lo and behold, in walked Sasuke, dressed up all high and mighty in his uniform. His face was expressionless as he shut the door tight behind himself, and stood at the entrance of my room as he apprehended my sorrowful state.

"You look like death."

I could only stare blankly at him.

"What are you doing here?" I asked concisely, deciding that if I was going to get an answer I might as well get it now. "What do you want?"

Sasuke closed his eyes as if in deep thought, and shook his head.

"Don't... just- don't talk," he said, opening his eyes and looking away. He began to unbutton his coat, and I watched mournfully as he tossed it to the ground before making his way towards my bed.

"Do you really have to do this?" I quipped dolefully, mind slowly processing the Uchiha's actions. He screwed his eyes shut as if in pain, and turned around mid-strut towards me.

"I said shut up," he hissed, walking over to the light switch and flicking it off. I barely managed a gasp as the room was plunged into darkness, still numb from the realisation of what was going to happen. My breathing started to become heavy and audible, which wasn't welcomed by the Uchiha much.

I closed my eyes as I felt him brush against me, coming to terms with myself and my situation.

"Lie down," he ordered, yanking me by the arm and pulling me away from the wall. Wordlessly, I complied, and lay down as flat as I could on the bed. It creaked as I felt Sasuke's weight move on top of me, and I clenched my hands into fists at my side as I felt him straddle my hips.

"So this is how it is, huh?"

After a moment of silence, Sasuke spoke to me, and I opened my eyes. My sight adjusted to being in the dark, and I could just make out his outline above me.

"No fight? No, "fuck off, you son of a bitch"?"

I merely blinked at him.

"What's the point?" I said monotonously. The Uchiha scoffed and shook his head, placing his hands on my belly.

"You really are something," he sneered. "Every other time you decide to kick up a fuss. Could it be that you secretly want me?"

I felt myself begin to shake with indignation at the Uchiha's brash remark.

"You... you..."

That was all I could manage as I felt him run his hands across my body, feeling every bend and crevice, accompanied by a small "hn."

"You annoy me," he said loudly. "I don't want to do this."

"Neither do I, genius."

"But they'll be checking your sheets tomorrow morning... so..."

I breathed a small sigh of relief as I felt the Uchiha swing his legs up and off of me, the light thump of his feet on the floor being the most reassuring thing I had ever heard in my life. Immediately, I sat up straight, only to find my throat in his tight grip.

𝐁𝐄𝐓𝐄 𝐍𝐎𝐈𝐑𝐄 | sasuke uchihaDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora