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"Okay, you didn't hear this from me, but some people are getting suspicious."

One day, I blinked as Shibuki held the lift after Kannon, Ayumi and I all got in, confused as to what he was talking about.

"What do you mean?" I asked skeptically, noting just how demure his attitude was today. He placed a finger over his lips and lowered his voice, saying, "Some people are getting suspicious about how often you're visiting Uchiha."

"I don't get it," I said, dumbfounded by his remark. "Weren't we the staff room's top couple?"

"It's not us that are suspicious," he said reassuringly. "All the prison staff know about you and Sasuke. But don't worry, we haven't told anyone yet! What's said in the cells, stays in the cells. It's the higher ups and the other branches of the military that are getting their knickers in a twist because they found out you've been frequenting him recently. They think you're trying to help him escape."

"Shibuki, if I wanted to help him escape, I would've done it a long time ago," I sighed, leaning against the wall as I waited for him to release the lift. "God knows I've wanted him out of there for so long."

"Like I said, I know that, and the other prison officers know that. I just wanted to warn you that things might change, revolving around you and Sasuke's circumstances."

"I'm sure everything will be fine."

"Alright, alright, if you say so."

Whistling, Shibuki released the lift and we began our descent in silence. Once we reached our floor, I thanked Shibuki before leading the way for Kannon and Ayumi, seeing today's guards standing outside of Sasuke's cell.

"Hello, Amaterasu-sama."

"Hi Ryoko! Hi Daichi!" I greeted the pair with a smile as Ryoko unlocked the door for us, and walked in to hold the door open for Kannon, who was pushing in Ayumi's pram. Because of the heat, I'd opted to wear a sleeveless maternity skater dress, which swished nicely around my legs as I walked into the room.

"Well don't you look different!"

I turned to see Sasuke sitting in front of the window with a look of curiosity on his face, and I wiggled my eyebrows as I pulled up my seat and sat across from him. Beside me, Kannon parked Ayumi's pram and pulled her out, sitting her on her knee.

Upon seeing Sasuke, Ayumi let out a loud "Ga!" clapping her hands together and gurgling happily. I for one was used to it, but seeing Sasuke's reaction truly was something else.

"Hello, Ayumi!" he said softly, lifting up a finger to the window and tapping the glass. Kannon edged forward and held Ayumi as close as she could to Sasuke, gently bouncing her on her knees. I pulled out my phone and began to record the exchange, laughing as Ayumi placed both of her palms flat on the glass, followed suit by her mouth.


Kannon quickly pried Ayumi away from the glass before she could get any more of her baby slobber all over it, and on the other side, Sasuke was in fits.

"Ayumi!" I whined, tapping her leg as Kannon sat her down again and wiped her mouth. "Don't do that!"

She merely laughed in my face and continued gawping at Sasuke.

"She's adorable," he said wistfully, staring at her with a glum look on his face. "Probably the only child I've ever tolerated in my life."

"I love how the first person you managed to tolerate was your own girlfriend, and now the first child you tolerate is your own," snorted Kannon, making Sasuke glare at her. "Is there no one else for you to tolerate, Sasuke?"

𝐁𝐄𝐓𝐄 𝐍𝐎𝐈𝐑𝐄 | sasuke uchihaDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora