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"Sasuke, I really think you and the children should evacuate somewhere safe."

It had been over a week since the Uchiha had arrived and squared off with Sora, and their scouts had finally caught sight of Sora reapproaching the now almost completely deserted village.

As Uchiha and non-Uchiha alike began rallying their forces outside the village gate, Sasuke stood and watched from the top- as had become the norm, he was with Ayumi. However, instead of being in her father's arms, the young girl stood by his side, holding his hand. Kannon remained still as she held onto Shisui's pram, in which the young baby lay covered and fully protected against the sand and wind.

"I would rather they be near me than hundreds of miles away where I can't get to them in time," was the Uchiha's argument, which he made known as he bent down to pick up Ayumi who had since started wailing for her father to take her off the ground. "That Shibuki guy seems to get along well with them. And even though I'd rather it be me or you watching them, in this case, we have no choice."

Kannon's brow furrowed in confusion as she regarded her cousin's lover.

"Are you not staying with them?" she asked, wondering what force in earth had been strong enough to separate Sasuke from his children at a time as crucial as this.

"As much as I would prefer to be... I need to be by Tera's side."

Kannon's facials softened as the Uchiha mentioned Tera's name, prompting her to be bolder in her words.

"Sasuke," she said carefully, knowing full well that he still had not forgiven her for letting Tera fall victim to Sora's possession. "Will you... really be able to handle it?"

A cold look found its way onto Sasuke's face as he stared at Kannon over the top of Ayumi's little head.

"I'm sure I'll be able to handle whatever mess you allowed to happen, and deal with it as is fit," he said callously, making Kannon wince. "Whatever the outcome, I'm going to make damn sure it's one that I want."

"Right, of course," said Kannon hurriedly, feeling her face heat up in embarrassment. "I'm sorry for doubting you. Maybe... maybe we can take them back to the room now, just in case."

"Maybe we can."

Without another word, Kannon turned on her heel and began pushing Shisui's pram down the top of the wall towards the ramp at the end, careful not to get on Sasuke's nerves any further. Behind her, the Uchiha sighed as he cuddled Ayumi against his chest, placing a quick kiss on her forehead before following Kannon down.

"I promise we'll try to be as quick as possible," murmured the Uchiha quietly to his daughter, feeling a numb pain in his heart as he said so. "So I can come back to you right away."

Although he knew that every single possible solution to this problem had been considered and deemed impossible to work, Sasuke still held onto a small glimmer of hope that somehow, Tera would be okay. It was a hope he would not let go of, not until her lifeless body was in front of him.


"She's approaching. But judging by what our reports are saying, she's taking her time."

Sasuke joined the other leaders in front of the village after parting with Ayumi and Shisui, leaving them in Shibuki's strict care. Beside him, Gaara updated him on the news the scouts had sent back to them, and he sighed upon hearing it. It really was a sight for sore eyes to see not only the Hokage and Kazekage working together, but the Uchiha and their subordinates alongside them.

"Sasuke, are Ayumi and Shisui going to be alright?" called out Karin from the end of the line, who had been discussing with Tsunade how they were planning to seal away whatever remnants of Sora's chakra there were. Sasuke merely nodded curtly at her, before moving his gaze down the row of people standing beside him.

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