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"What are you doing down here?"

I narrowed my eyes as I ran into Shisui in the corridor leading towards Tera's room, eyeing him out suspiciously as I clenched my hands into fists in the pockets of my pants. The goofball merely regarded me with a look of mild surprise, ignoring my question and saying, "Sasuke? What are you doing here?"

"I asked first," I stated bluntly, wary of my cousin's presence. I knew he and Tera were friends, but I still wanted to know what they had talked about. If they had even talked at all.

Snap out of it, I thought to myself. They wouldn't have.

"I came to say hi to Tera," was his obvious reply. "It's been a long time. She's my friend. What are you doing here, exactly? Your job is done and dusted- or are you going in to tell her the big news?"

"That's what the appointment with Karin tomorrow is for," I said in a steely voice, careful not to slip up that I had already told her. Shisui smirked and crossed him arms, leaning his weight on one leg.

"Tomorrow you reckon? That doesn't explain why you're here right now." With a devilish grin, Shisui leaned forward, eagerness in his eyes.

"Are you going to get some?"

"Excuse me?"

"It's inevitable that you and Kohana have formed a relationship since I was gone," he chuckled in a low voice, making me frown in irritation. 

Did Tera tell him something?

"You must be mistaken, then."

Shisui threw his head back and let out a loud roar of laughter, making me reel away in disdain.

"No need to act so cold, widdle Sasuke!" he snorted, reaching over and patting my shoulder. "She's waiting for you."

"Go to bed," I ordered coldly, shrugging his hand off and marching past him towards Tera's room.


"What do you want?"

I had just dived under my covers, ready to go to sleep, when I heard my door open and footsteps walk in. Grimacing in annoyance, I threw off my covers and sat up, eyes squinting at the sudden light. There, standing by the switch, was Sasuke.

"Huh? What are you doing here?" I asked in confusion. It had been less than five minutes since Shisui had left- was it possible they could've ran into each other?

"What did you and Shisui talk about?" Now holding my full attention, Sasuke flicked the lights back off and trudged to my side as the room was plunged into darkness once more, and I shuffled over as I heard him taking off his shirt and shoes.

"Did you see him on your way in?"

"Yes. What did he talk to you about?"

"He mentioned to me that you made the pregnancy announcement today," I said, playing carefully with my words.

As long as Sasuke doesn't find out, we'll be okay.

My throat constricted at the thought of withholding this information from the Uchiha; on one hand, I completely and utterly trusted Shisui, and would do whatever he said was good. On the other hand, a small part of me felt guilty for not telling Sasuke more about his cousin's visit; even though we originally started out as enemies, nowadays... I don't know. I feel like I had gained more of Sasuke's trust, and he had gained more of mine.

But I still trusted Shisui more.

"Really?" Sasuke's bored voice drew me back into reality, and I blinked as I stared at the ceiling.

"I almost fucked it up," I chuckled. "I forgot that I wasn't meant to know. I saved myself, though."

"Ahh, it's Shisui, he wouldn't think much of it," said Sasuke carelessly, waving away my concerns. "The only thing he'd be skeptical of is why on earth I'd even want to tell you in the first place. I could tell him you sucked me off for that information."

"Fuck you!"

"Need we go through this again?"

"Fuck up," I muttered under my breath, turning on my side as my face heated up in embarrassment. "If you do tell him that, I'll bring up that time you got over excited and barely lasted five minutes. That was the most annoying night of my life."

"Hey, my job is to get you pregnant, not give you pleasure!" retorted the Uchiha, making me roll my eyes.

"I'm glad at least one of us enjoyed their time," I said snarkily. "You're welcome."

"Don't act as if you didn't have your fair share of orgasms."


"Don't mhm me."


I lazily reached over and hit Sasuke, letting out a loud breath.

"You can't come back anymore. You have to find someone new to sleep around with."

"What makes you say that?"

"Well, now that I'm finally pregnant- I'm surprised no one questioned how long it took- you can't come down here anymore. Sucks to be you."

"Who says I can't? I do what I want. If I want to come down here, I'll come down here. They can't tell me what to do."

"What if I tell you I don't want you here?"

"If you tell me."

I shut my mouth immediately. And in the dark, I could sense him rolling his eyes at me.

"Whatever. Your appointment's tomorrow, but Karin already knows you know, so it doesn't really matter either way."

"Now that Shisui's back, is he going to resume his duties as my escort?"

Sasuke went quiet for a moment, and I awaited his reply. I hoped that he couldn't read minds, because the only thing I could think of at that time was my escape.

"I'm perfectly fine being your escort around the place," he murmured in a small voice. "Or do you still hate me that much that you want my cousin back?"

"Well, I guess you have gotten less abusive... but I'd really like to train more with Shisui and Itachi," I said, half hinting. "You don't teach me anything."

"I teach you a lot of things. Your body's done things you probably never thought possible."

"I meant useful things!" I snapped, roughly shoving the Uchiha off of the bed. Caught off guard, he let out a yelp and tumbled onto the ground with a loud thud, swearing at me.

"Tera what the fuck!"

"I want to learn more jutsu!" I huffed as he got to his feet and back onto the bed. "I want to be a good kunoichi!"

"I know you do, Tera, but the clan won't allow it."

"Why not!? I did pretty good bringing back Ayumi, didn't I? I thought as long as I did well, they'd let me continue my training!"

"You did too well," he began to explain, even though he really didn't need to. "The council are afraid of you becoming too powerful. They're scared."

I let out a sigh and closed my eyes, thoroughly irritated, albeit more sure of where my loyalties lay. 

Sasuke was purposely withholding information from me. Information that I would otherwise not know, if it weren't for Shisui.

Come on, Shisui. Get Ayumi, and then get us out of here.

Author's Note: long time no update omg. hopefully i know where the story goes from here, because it's been forever since i last touched it!

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