First Night

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When Sasuke burst into my room that night, I didn't expect him to be so breathless and full of life.

Laying on my bed with the lights off, I frowned as he switched the light on and shut the door behind him, looking around fervently.

"What is it?" I complained, turning over in bed and covering my face with the pillow. "Turn the light off. I don't want to see your ugly face."

"Haha, very funny." Despite my jibe, he respected my request and turned them back off, before heading over to the bed.

"I... saw Ayumi," he said as he made himself comfortable next to me, piquing my interest.

"How is she? Are they looking after her well?"

"Yeah. They let me feed her and put her to sleep after I brought you back from dinner."

I tried to smile, but I couldn't.

I was jealous of Sasuke.

"Oh, that's nice," I said blankly. "Did Karin deliver the milk to them?"

"I guess so?"

"Oh, that's nice."

So that's why he looks so excited, I thought darkly, envying the Uchiha's ability to hold and look after Ayumi, even if only for a little while. That was better than what I had going on here: nothing.

"Yeah, I guess."

We lay as an awkward silence descended upon us, neither wanting to speak any more.

"Well, goodnight, I guess," I said stiffly, turning on my side away from the Uchiha so that I could go to sleep.

"Uh, yeah. Night."


In contrast to what I had told Sasuke, my bleeding stopped after a week, and during an appointment with Karin, he found out that I was ready to go again.

"You know, Sasuke-kun, you could have just started anyway," said the Uzumaki as I sat beside her desk, kicking my legs back and forth as she completed her regular check up on me. The Uchiha turned up his nose in the air with a haughty sneer, looking down at me.

"Disgusting." I rolled my eyes at his comment, and looked back at Karin with dead eyes.

"So what? Is this it?" I asked in a bleak voice. "Am I just meant to carry babies for the rest of my life? Is that it?"

She gave me a weird look, and I leaned back in my seat with a sigh.

"So you're telling me, if I escaped, you would both be dead, and so would Shisui and Itachi. Is that right?"

"If you had escaped while we were out on our mission, we would have been dead," said Karin, correcting me. "But if you escaped from here, right now... hmm, they'd probably only kill Shisui and Sasuke."

"They'd be doing everyone a favour by killing Sasuke."

"Shut up."

Karin pouted at me and reached across, grabbing my hands. I looked at her as if she were crazy.

"Tera-chan, don't say that!" she said with puppy dog eyes. I reeled away at her sudden change in persona, glancing over at Sasuke in confusion. "You have the opportunity to bear Sasuke-kun's children! Don't you know how powerful they'll be?"

"Please don't call him Sasuke-kun," I begged, feeling my sanity begin to slip from my fingertips. Karin giggled and covered her mouth with one hand, making me shrink away from her even more. Her grip on my hands was still as strong as ever, and I smiled weakly at her in an attempt to be released.

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