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  "What?! You're kidding me, right?!"

"No, no! Thank god my son is only eight. Surely they can't make an eight year old go out into the battlefields, right?"

"Aishhh, you never know with the-"

"Shh, shh! There are soldiers right there!"

I tentatively ducked my head and kept staring at the ground as I scurried past a gaggle of women who were busy gossiping about whatever new law the Uchiha had imposed on the state. I tightly held onto my numerous plastic bags of shopping, too busy thinking about getting home in one piece to pay any heed to my surroundings. I ended up walking into a solid object with a loud cuss word, looking up to glare at whatever I'd waltzed into.

"Ah, what the f-" I dropped my sentence midway once I realised what I'd walked into, and almost dropped my shopping looking at it.

Easily towering over me, this man had the face of a god. His skin was of a fair, creamy complexion, not a single blemish in sight, and was of slim, yet muscular, build. His dark hair was perfectly sculpted to accentuate his sharp and cold facial features, alluring me to the dark abyss that was his obsidian stare. He was dressed in what I supposed was the uniform expected of military personnel, with a crisp, full white dress shirt with a perfectly ironed dark blue pants and blazer to boot, and the four golden stars on his right shoulder instantly showing me that I'd just sworn at someone I'd wish I'd never met.

"I, uh..." I stared blankly at the man for a good few seconds, mouth agape as I struggled to process a suitable sentence for my predicament. The man merely narrowed his eyes at me, a small scowl evident on his lips.

"Watch where you're going next time," he spat, taking the liberty to continue forward and harshly shove me aside as he did so. Caught off guard, I teetered and dropped a couple of my shopping bags, their contents spilling onto the footpath. I stared at my fallen groceries indignantly; what the hell just happened?

It was then that my fight or flight instincts rose, and I leapt after the cruel looking man and his blond companion.

"HEY!" I yelled, grabbing him by his shoulder and twisting him roughly so that he was facing me. Surprisingly, his weight succumbed to my movements, and he was left staring at me with slight bewilderment on his face.

"I don't know who you think you are-" I grabbed the front of his shirt, pulling him downwards so that we were eye to eye,"-but you have no right to push anyone around like that!"

I spat in his face, and he narrowed his eyes at me in disdain. Behind him, I could hear his cohort splutter, and around us in general, I could hear the fearful whispers of bystanders everywhere. Slowly, the raven haired officer took my hand away from him, and held it in the air between us.

"I," he declared loudly, throwing my hand down, "am Sasuke Uchiha." His hand trailed down to his waist, where I saw the hilt of a firearm protruding from his belt. His fingers played with the surface of the cold, blinking metal, and I internally dug my own grave. I blinked, mumbling to myself, as the man did what I expected. Slowly, he withdrew his weapon, and pointed it right in my face.

"Look at me," he demanded. Chastising myself for what I believed to be the last time, I fearlessly opened my eyes, and stared the Uchiha right in the face.

Of course he's an Uchiha. Look at that perfection.


"And you would be?" he asked in a sadistic voice, cocking his head to the side as he put on a false smile.

"I," I said with a boost of confidence, putting up a hand and moving the shaft of his gun away from my face, "am Kohana Yoruno. I'd say it was a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Uchiha, but then I'd be a liar." Sasuke scowled at me, pulling his gun out of my hold.

"Miss Yoruno, do you see these?" continued the Uchiha coldly, showing me his shoulder. "These stars represent my job. And I, Miss Yoruno, am a general. I'm in charge of a lot of soldiers, and have access to a plethora of weapons and devices that could torture the hell out of you and your rude speaking mouth right now. Now, might I ask, what is your occupation?"

I raised my hands in the air, shrugging it off with a small frown. On the outside, I was a fearless, boss ass bitch, ready to take on this Uchiha knowing that it would cost my life. But on the inside, I was reeling at my stupidity.

Stupid stupid STUPID! You're going to get yourself killed, Kohana. Thanks a lot.

"I'm getting an education!" I said sweetly, beaming at the general and curtsying with my non-existent skirts. "Unlike you, Mr. General, sir, I prefer to study things I don't understand rather than shooting them." Sasuke raised an eyebrow at me, and I had already finished mentally digging my grave. His gun was at his hip, but other than that, there was no other indication that he had any inclination to put it to me again.

"You think you're funny?" His voice went sour and cold, and I fought to keep my nonchalant act up. I beamed at Sasuke, moving around to collect my fallen groceries as I maintained eye contact with him, putting things into my plastic bags one by one.

"No, not at all, Mr. Uchiha sir," I said brightly, finishing gathering up my things and standing up straight. He made a move again, but this time, his blond companion stepped forward with his arm outstretched, shooting me a worried look with his deep azure eyes.

"Sasuke, we've wasted enough time. We have to go!" he urged, tugging the Uchiha by his sleeve. Sasuke sneered and put away his gun, spitting at my feet.

"I'll remember you, Kohana," he said venomously, turning with his blond friend. "Believe that."

As Sasuke walked away from me, I felt a great wave of relief just wash over me, making me fall to my knees in gratitude.

"You idiot... I can't believe you survived!" I muttered to myself, putting my shopping down and clasping my palms to my face, shoulders shuddering in relief as I took long, deep breaths. "You survived an Uchiha... oh my god, you survived an Uchiha!"

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