Heart to Heart

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"Do you want the good news or bad news?"

After what seemed like hours of just intense driving, I perked up in my seat when Shisui asked.

"What's the bad news?"

"The bad news is we're going to have to ditch the car when we get to the Land of Rivers," he began explaining. Dusk was beginning to fall, yet I already knew that I wouldn't be getting any rest for the night. This was what I signed up for when I left, after all. "Which will mean we're going to be walking for a good portion of the night. If I'm correct, I assume that Itachi and his squad are probably already hot on our heels. With an angered Sasuke in his squad, I think it's safe to say that they're probably moving at an incredibly fast rate, and we might have the misfortune of meeting them one more time."

"Will they be driving too?"

Shisui offered me a coy smile in the rear view mirror.

"They move faster on foot," he said. "They're all well-trained, well-experienced shinobi. They have more speed than any vehicle could take them."

"Oh. I see."

My heart sunk, and at the same time, Ayumi let out a loud wail. It was time to feed her again.

"So... what's the good news?" As I had done for her other feedings in the car, I lifted my shirt and pulled my breast out of my bra, guiding my nipple to her mouth. I briefly caught a glimpse of Shisui staring in the mirror before turning his full attention back to the road, but didn't think much of it.

"The good news is that the Hokage will meet us directly at the border," he said, clearing his throat. "She and a few of her own shinobi will be there to escort you to Suna. It's all about safety."

"Do you know who will be in that squad of shinobi?"

"Hmm... I know it'll be the Hokage, a couple of members of the Hyūga clan, Kakashi Hatake, Asuma Sarutobi and Kurenai Yūhi. They're all very skilled shinobi, so I have no doubts that you will be in safe hands."

"Why do you only say me?" I asked, curious as to why Shisui chose to use "you" instead of "we." "Aren't we both- well, we three- going together?"

Shisui smiled sadly at me.

"At this stage, I'd like to be careful with what I say," he admitted truthfully. "Because even I don't know if I'll be able to come along with you and Ayumi."

"What makes you say that?" I asked defensively, slightly alarmed by the fact that Shisui was even thinking about not joining us in Suna. "Why would you not come?! You surely won't be going back to the clan, would you?!"

"Ahh, Kohana-chan, relax!" said Shisui jokingly, laughing unconvincingly and shaking his head. "As long as you and Ayumi are fine, that's all that matters. Now, we'll be there in a few minutes, so I need you to make sure that everything is packed and that we can just get out of the car and leave. I'll call them when we get out. They shouldn't be too far away."

He dropped the conversation there.


"Sasuke, you need to slow down!"

I ignored Yakumi's pleas as I dashed ahead of the others, disinterested in their needs. The journey so far had been long and far, with little breaks in between. I didn't care for the others with me. If I wanted to catch Shisui, I needed to stay on my feet.

As I ran, Itachi caught up to me, and I ignored him as he tried to talk to me.

"Sasuke, this is insane," he said as he sprinted alongside me. "What's the point of catching them if we're going to be exhausted by the time we find them?"

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