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"We've been trying to establish a deal with the Uchiha, concerning Sasuke's release."

I nodded as Gaara addressed Kannon and I in his office the next week, keeping us up to date with everything that was going on.

"Since he's here and no longer over there leading their forces, their expansion has temporarily halted," continued the Kazekage. "So for now, the threat of Suna being attacked is lower. That, and the desert between us are both deterrents."

"What kind of deal do you have in mind?"

"We're trying to draw it out as long as we possibly can," explained Gaara, clasping his hands together on his desk top. "What we have in mind is trading Sasuke for another one of the Uchiha commanders, cough cough, Naruto. We need Naruto in there as long as possible to gather as much intel as he is capable of before we bring him back. Luckily for us, the Uchiha are skeptical that we'll uphold our side of the treaty, so that's something good for our side."

"Are they willing to exchange, though?" I asked curiously, intrigued at just how sought after Sasuke was.

"For the time being, the water is lukewarm, but as time draws on, they'll realise that they need Sasuke more than Naruto. That's what we're hoping for, at least."

"Sounds good, boss," grinned Kannon, giving Gaara the thumbs up. "You guys are doing a great job."

"Tsunade herself would prefer to keep you both out of the loop, but seeing as this whole fiasco is pretty much based around you, I think it's more important that you know what's going on at all times," chuckled Gaara, making me smile warmly.

"Thank you, Gaara," I said gratefully. "I really appreciate your thoughtfulness."

"That aside, let's get down to it. Now, today is your first training session today, am I correct?"

"Yes sir."

"Right. Thank you for submitting your gear and equipment sheets last week, I've ensured that everything you need has been collected," said Gaara, picking up a sheet of paper from his side and pushing it in front of me. "As for my part of the bargain, I shortlisted some potential candidates who would be able to babysit Ayumi while the two of you are practising. Have a look."

"Did they volunteer?" I asked as I skimmed over the ten candidates listed on the paper, squinting at their names.

"Yes. I put out a notice for a nanny vacancy, but didn't specify who it was for. As far as I'm concerned, these people probably assume that they're applying for a job within their own neighbourhoods."

"Wow, I can't believe people actually volunteer to look after other people's children," I chuckled, carefully analysing the list. "Hey- isn't this that girl from Wan?"


Kannon leaned forward and glanced at the paper, where I pointed to the girl's mini profile.

"Yukata Hisano," I said, reading over her description. "Why is she applying for this when she already has a part time job?"

"Maybe she needs the extra money," shrugged Kannon, leaning back in her seat.

"She said she's still in high school though, so I'm not sure her availability really suits our needs," I frowned, looking through the other applicants.

"Actually, I made sure to check up on all of that before I made the list," coughed Gaara, clearing his throat. "All the people you see in front of you are able to work whenever, wherever."

"Flexible, I like it," I said, nodding in approval. "Okay, let's just give it to her."

"Are you sure? Have you even looked at the other applicants?"

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