Blood, Sweat and Tears

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Author's Note: Viewer discretion is recommended for this chapter! Please don't report! It contains a rape trigger. If you are uncomfortable with this, I suggest you just skim read and wait for the next update, because missing this chapter won't affect your understanding of the story. Thanks! (I'm sorry I wasn't clear with my warning earlier. Please understand that I do not condone sexual harrassment or rape in any way).

True to his character, Sasuke invited himself into my quarters that night with no warning.

In preparation for his arrival, I had bathed and gotten into bed as soon as Shisui had returned me, laden with his words of his encouragement. I'd spent the last two or so hours trying to find solace and sleep in the darkness of my confines, but my fears were too much to overcome to allow myself peace of mind.

"Hn." My forcibly shut eyes widened at the sound of the Uchiha's infamous scowl, and I felt myself break into a light sweat as my bedroom door was opened and then closed immediately.

"Are you asleep?" Throat dry, I couldn't find either the strength or willpower to answer him. "I'm going to wake you up anyway."

I heard the soft footfalls of his feet as he approached my bed, and screwed my eyes shut as I felt his weight bringing down the end.


"What do you want?" I cried, kicking at the Uchiha. He groaned, and I heard the sound of his palm slapping to his forehead. Without any further words, he had clambered onto my retreating figure and grabbed me by the shoulders, hoisting me up so that we were face to face.

Eyes still scrunched shut, I refused to allow myself sight. Knowing that as soon as I did, I would be subject to his genjutsu once more.

I didn't want to submit to his genjutsu.

This was my body; I wanted to know what he did to it, regardless of whether it hurt me or not.

I knew that I couldn't stop it, but I didn't want to be left in the dark about it either.

This was my body.

"Look at me," he commanded, tilting my face up by the chin. "Look at me!"

I refused to budge, chanting over and over to myself in my mind: I refuse to submit. I refuse to submit.

"Stop being a pain in the ass and open your eyes!"

Shaking with anger and fear of the unknown, I felt my eyes begin to sting with hot, salty tears as Sasuke held my face, squeezing it as hard as he could.

We sat in that position for a good ten minutes.

"You're not making this any easier for the two of us," spat Sasuke, violently shaking my head from side to side as the tears began to spill down my face. "Just open your eyes so I can get this over and done with!"

"N-No," I said in a cracked voice, averting my gaze from the Uchiha. "I don't- want to be under your genjutsu again!"

"Too bad." His voice was a snarl, and an imperative one at that. I winced as he forcibly pushed me onto the bed, sitting on my stomach and grabbing my eyelids.

I refuse to be held under his genjutsu.

I refuse to be held under his genjutsu.

I refuse...

All hopes I had were dashed when I felt him pry my eyelids open and saw his eyes flash red. I knew then and there it was game over.

Let the genjutsu begin, I thought in defeat, waiting for the scenery to magically change, for Shisui to be my shining knight in armour and whisk me away, only for me to return in the morning with shattered pride.

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