My Love

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"It really means a lot to us that you're doing this, Naruto."

The blond Uzumaki nodded as he sat in the Kazekage's office with the Kazekage and the recently voted out Hokage, Tsunade Senju. The two Kage regarded him closely, as if awaiting further information.

"There's someone we want you to meet," said Gaara, leaning back in his seat as he stared at the door of the meeting room. "Temari and Kankuro should be bringing her in any time soon."

Naruto's brow furrowed in confusion as he too looked towards the door, wondering who the pair would want him to meet.

The Uzumaki had been stationed in Sunagakure for months now, as ordered by the Uchiha, to collect information on their rivals and bring it back to Konoha. With a week left in the village, Naruto had imparted all of his knowledge on the Uchiha clan's movements and plans to the two leaders, neither of whom met his news with excitement.

"Gaara, we're here." The voice of Gaara's older sister came from the other side of the door, to which the redhead called out, "Come in," in his deep, raspy voice.

Naruto watched as the door opened, and Temari stepped in, followed by a woman with short, cropped maroon hair, and deep azure eyes. He did a double take as Kankuro brought up the rear and shut the door behind the trio, staring intensely at the new face. She noticed him staring at her and shot him a nervous smile, bowing at him and the two Kage.


Flabbergasted, Naruto raised a hand and pointed at the woman as he gawped incredulously, noting the striking similarities between herself and the woman he still called Kohana. Tsunade raised an eyebrow at the Uzumaki's reaction, mildly surprised.

"You know her?" she asked, prompting the blond to shake his head.

"No, no... she just looks a lot like someone I know."

"Kannon, please take a seat," said Gaara softly, indicating for the maroon haired woman to sit next to Naruto. She did so, and looked at Naruto with bright eyes.

Tsunade leaned over the table, and looked at Naruto with a sharp look in her eyes.

"This is Kannon, Kannon Kurotsuki. And I think you'll want to hear what she has to say."

At the name "Kurotsuki", Naruto jumped in his seat and gaped at Kannon, putting two and two together.

"Kurotsuki?! Are you- are you related to Kohana?!"

Kannon tilted her head to the side, unsure of who Naruto was speaking of.

"Quite possibly," she joked. "If seeing me makes you look this shocked."

"Woah... you look so similar..." trailed off the Uzumaki. Kannon glanced over at Tsunade, who nodded at her and prompted her to speak.

"Kannon, tell Naruto everything you told us. 

"I'm certain that the one you seek is with the Uchiha."


"One night. One night, and we head back to the compound."

I sighed as Sasuke gave instructions behind me.

"Okay. We need to replenish our supplies, though- and by our, I mean the supplies for Ayumi. Now that we have her, we have to be more careful of the journey back home," said Karin, reaching for her backpack (that I had temporarily stolen) and pulling out the pouches of money. "We need to make sure we can keep her safe until we get back to the nursery."

𝐁𝐄𝐓𝐄 𝐍𝐎𝐈𝐑𝐄 | sasuke uchihaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz