In Between

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"Tera. Teeeeeeraaaaa..."

I felt a buzzing pain in my head as I heard someone calling out to me, and woke up to find myself still comfortably resting between my two yuujin. As soon as I woke up, they did so too, and the one who had been lying over me and acting as my blanket rose to its feet, trudging towards someone who had made their presence known. The darkness I was so accustomed too had all but vanished, leaving us lying in a blank white room.

"Huh...? What do you want?" I scowled darkly, automatically deducing it to be Sora, back again to taunt me for who knows how long. 

However, when I actually looked up, I saw that it wasn't her.

"Wait," I said slowly, clambering to my feet as the new woman patted my yuujin affectionately on the head. It reacted to her touch by nuzzling her in the side, making her smile brightly. "No, I'm going crazy. Who are you?"

I instinctively jumped to my feet, getting into a defensive position as the yuujin I'd been lying on got to its feet as well, heading towards the new woman.

She had long, wavy maroon hair that fell to her hips, and the brightest azure eyes I'd ever seen in my life. She was just a bit taller than me, but even I could make out the resemblances.

I blinked at her in confusion, my face breaking into a look of realisation.

"OH MY GOD!" I exclaimed, covering my mouth as I looked at her with wide eyes. "AM I DEAD?!"

"For now, yes," she said softly, holding out her hand to me. "First, I'd like to talk to you."

"Are you who I think you are?!" I said, half confused and half excited. Mostly confused. I was dead. But... was this... my birth mother?! Exciting! Or, I really was dead and now I was stuck with her. Confusing. Again.

"I'll answer all your questions soon. Come on."

I took the woman's hand with an awestruck look on my face, and followed her as she led me away from the space I had been lying in. My yuujin followed suit, both trailing closely behind me, and as we walked, we emerged from the white space and into what seemed to be the outskirts of a small village. Behind the greenery I spotted a few houses, but before I could look around my mother- this lady! Konohanasakuya!- got my attention.

"Ah, look. There's a seat over there." The woman pointed towards a bench situated under a tree in the distance, and I followed her duly with a silent nod. Upon reaching the seat, we sat down and she let go of me, facing me directly. My yuujin began roaming around the area, sniffing things, hitting them. I didn't pay much attention to them though- like, this was my mother. Someone I had never met before. I would always have my yuujin around- but would I ever get this opportunity again? No.

"Never in my life would I have imagined you to be a young mother," she chuckled, brushing my hair out of my face and breaking me out of my trance. I winced at her touch out of surprise, but relaxed quickly enough. "I was well into my thirties when I had you."

"So you are my mum!" I yelped, feeling a plethora of emotions at her validation of my legitimacy. She raised an eyebrow at me, amused.

"Really? You look exactly like me, yet still need confirmation?" she asked teasingly, prompting me to roll my eyes. "Hey, don't roll your eyes at me!"

I snorted as she playfully pushed me, making the both of us laugh. It went quiet.

"So, like... are you going to fill me in...?" I asked earnestly, knowing that there was much I didn't know. However, it was because I didn't know so much, that I didn't know what to ask her.

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