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"Move over."

I grunted as Sasuke graced my bedroom with his presence that night, shutting the door behind him and switching off the lights. I shuffled over to one side of my bed, and felt the Uchiha lie down next to me.

"For someone who hates me, you seem to be awfully comfortable," I mused, noting his change of character. I heard a scowl, and got a violent jab in the side.

"Ow! Fuck you!"

"Shut up, or else I will," growled the duckbutt in a low voice, shutting me up immediately. "I haven't slept at all for the last couple of days. Get off."

"You get off, this is my bed!" I exclaimed indignantly. But, it was Sasuke. Did I really have any choice in this?

Not a stranger to having his way, the Uchiha forcibly shoved me off of the bed, sending me to the ground with a loud thud.

"Even in my own room, I get no sleep," muttered the raven, turning over and taking over my bed. I sat up and huffed, glaring daggers at his back.

"You son of a..."

"People constantly come in asking me for shit that needs to be done. At least here they won't disturb me. Now shut up so I can sleep. I'll get this done by the end of the week."

"Yah." I hit the side of my bed, staring at the lump that was Sasuke's figure. "Shisui said... it's meant to be for seven days straight. And then twice a week, and then once. Does it really... have to happen?"

There was silence, and I assumed that he was ignoring me.

"I don't know what the point of your whole task is, but it's stupid," I said loudly, sitting up straight and glaring haughtily at the Uchiha. "It counts as rape, you know. And with girls Kagura's age, I'm pretty sure that makes it a hundred times worse. Do you lot even have a conscience? Have you ever tried putting yourself in those girls' shoes, tried to experience what they're feeling? Have-"

Mid sentence, I felt a constricting grip on my throat and was lifted to my feet, gasping for air as Sasuke held me up.

"You..." he snarled, grip slowly tightening around my neck. I choked and felt my face going blue as I dangled mid-air, at the Uchiha's mercy. "You're so fucking annoying. Do you know that? You honestly don't know when to shut the fuck up, do you? I loathe you, Kohana. A peasant like you needs to learn her place."

Tears welling in my eyes as I gasped for air, I saw two crimson orbs floating before my eyes. They were the same eyes I had seen when he had removed my sight, and I looked away as quickly as possible to prevent that from happening again.

It's completely dark anyway, Kohana. What's the point if he blinds you again??

The Uchiha released me from his grip and I fell onto the mattress, rasping for breath. He scowled and pushed me off of the bed again, making himself comfortable in it once more as I collided with the ground.

"How... rude..." I choked to myself, rubbing my throat furiously as I leaned my head against my mattress. "Ahh, this guy! Asshole!"

"If you're going to make so much noise, just get out!" snapped the Uchiha furiously, pointing at the door as he shoved a pillow over his head.

"Fine! I will!" Angrily, I rose to my feet and stormed towards the door, banging my palms against it. There was no handle from the inside, and I had no idea of how to open it.

"How the hell do I open the door?!" I demanded, banging against the metallic door. "Let me out! This jerk is taking over my bed!"

"Just open it!" was Sasuke's pissed off reply. With one final bang, I let out a cry of triumph as the door slowly began to open, and made myself ready to walk the hell out of there.

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