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"Once again, Izanami-sama, we can't express our gratitude to you enough for this."

Kannon was left in confusion as she looked to her side, and saw a woman with tanned skin and dark brown hair speaking to her. The pair of them appeared to be walking side by side, and over her shoulder, Kannon could see multitudes of more familiar yet also unfamiliar faces following them, all looking like they were equipped for war.

Is she talking to me?

"Uh, it's okay," is what Kannon wanted to say, but instead, her body reacted of its own accord.

"There's no need. If you want to thank anyone, thank the Uchiha for the delegates they sent to us."

As those words left her lips, Kannon was left in shock. There was no denying that this was indeed her body, but for some reason she had no control over any of it. It was as if it had been pre-programmed to run of its own accord, and now, she was relying on autopilot. Deciding to sit back and watch, Kannon let things run its course, wondering if this was all just some kind of weird dream.

"Hiroki does seem to be quite the likeable gentleman," chuckled the woman with Kannon, who was carrying what appeared to be a sheath slung over her shoulder. "He mentioned that it was only because of your favour that your council agreed to sending us shinobi- and not just any shinobi, but your finest ones."

"If we're going to be dealing with something that threatens the entire world, then there should be no reason for any of us to be hiding our strength. Isn't that right?"

The woman chuckled, and as she did so, a name randomly popped into Kannon's head: Touka Senju.

"I can see why you're the Ōgami," she said in admiration, patting Kannon on the arm. "I look forward to working with you. Rest assured, we can take down this threat if we work together."

"Indeed. Now, what's our plan of action?"

Kannon felt a stirring, as if this information was stuff that she needed to pay close attention to. Whatever the threat was, she had no idea; all she knew was that for some reason, something was urging her to listen carefully.


"Look, she's starting to wake up!"

As Kannon began to stir, sitting next to her was Gaara, who instructed Naruto to go and fetch Tsunade right away. Only a day had passed since she had been mortally wounded by Tera, but she was looking good in terms of recovery. In that time, Temari and her squadron had since returned to Suna, albeit with two of their shinobi suffering from further deadly injuries from Tera too. This added to Gaara's curiosity, who could not fathom how Tera could do so much damage in such a short span of time, especially in her current state.

"... huh?"

Gaara grabbed one of Kannon's hands, squeezing it reassuringly as she began to open her eyes.

"Kannon!" he breathed in relief, as the Kurotsuki blinked and reached up to rub her eyes, only to be met by surprise at the bandages that covered half of her face.

"What the fuck?!" Kannon removed her hand from Gaara's grip and sat up straight, feeling a stinging pain all over her body as she did so.

"Kannon, don't move too fast!" warned Gaara, seeing the pain on her face as she realised the error of her ways. "Look, you're in hospital, and you're lucky to be alive. Do you remember anything?"

"That doesn't matter," groaned Kannon hurriedly, waving away the Kazekage's concerns. "It wasn't Tera. Look, it's Sora, and we have to stop her before she fucks everything up again."

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