What to Do?

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That night, despite Karin's insistence that she and Sasuke both get rooms, the Uchiha firmly stated that he would stay in the same room as Ayumi and I.

The Uzumaki had succeeded in providing me with a new set of clothes, as well as things for Ayumi which she kept in her backpack.

"I'm across the corridor," she said as she gathered her things, glancing warily between Sasuke and I as she back out of the room. "If you have any complications with Ayumi during the night, just call me, okay?"

"Okay. Thanks, Karin." With that, the Uzumaki shut the door behind her, leaving me sitting next to a sleeping Ayumi on the bed. Sasuke leaned against the window with his arms crossed, staring at the sleeping child. I stood up and stretched, grabbing the clothes Karin had bought for me and heading towards the bathroom.

"Watch her while I get changed." I walked in and shut the door behind me, quickly taking off the worn out clothes from the compound and lifting up the clothes Karin had bought for me. She had bought me black jeans and a baggy black shirt, but I wasn't complaining. I could sleep in them, I guess. Plus, she'd bought me an undergarment set as well, so I was thankful for that.

Putting on my new bra and underwear, followed by my shirt and jeans, I tucked the shirt into the jeans and examined myself in the mirror. Not too bad.

Tossing my original clothes into the trash can, I made my way to the bathroom door and opened it just a crack to see if Sasuke was still there. I squinted as I saw that he wasn't by the window anymore, but kneeling with his back to me on the side of the bed Ayumi was on, watching her intensely. I raised an eyebrow in curiosity, but didn't question his actions.

Quietly, I opened the door and made my way out, and as I approached the Uchiha, I could hear him saying something under his breath.

"I swear to god, Sasuke, if you're doing some kind of satanic ritual with her..." I said warningly. He didn't even bat an eyelash; instead, he looked at me over his shoulder and stood up, staring down at me coldly.

"Get some sleep," he said sternly, moving back to the window and sitting on the sill. "We leave at dawn."

"Have you slept?" I asked, carefully lowering my weight onto the bed so that I didn't disturb Ayumi. The Uchiha scowled and looked away from me, arms crossed tightly.

"I slept plenty after you knocked me out, thanks."

I blinked at him, taken aback by his words.


"Don't act like you don't remember," he snapped, pointing to the bandage on the corner of his forehead. "You killed Orochimaru, then attacked me and Karin so you could run away!"

"I killed Orochimaru? What do you mean?"

"I wouldn't know, since you knocked me out, but if it wasn't you, then who else would it have been? The last thing I remember is you looking at me, and then when I woke up, it was daytime and Karin was beside me."

I shook my head at the Uchiha, unsure of whether or not to believe his words. I killed Orochimaru? I'm pretty sure I would've remembered that. As for incapacitating Sasuke and Karin... well, if what he said was true, then I must have been pretty badass to do that.

"Are you sure?" I snorted, lying down and staring up at the ceiling. "I could barely take on Itachi, how could I have taken on you three at once?"

"It's not funny, Tera. I'm surprised you didn't kill us either."

"Maybe I should have."

"Go to sleep."


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