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"I'll take your phone and any other items you may have on your person."

I was pulled to a halt and looked over my shoulder to see Sasuke releasing my arm, twisting his own shoulder around as he did so. Shaking the feeling of his cruel grip off my arm, I muttered under my breath as I felt around in my pockets for my phone. My fingers brushed over Sho, and I frowned as I contemplated whether or not I should hand him over as well.

No. I'm not letting this Uchiha take anything else away from me.

With a loud groan, I pulled out my phone, turning the power off before handing it over to Sasuke with a defeated sigh. The raven haired male raised an eyebrow at me as he took my phone, looking cautious.

"Is that all?" he asked solemnly, eyes daring me to lie to him. I nodded; what harm could one small teddy bear do to him? "Right. Starting from here, I'm going to need you to be blindfolded. I'd say I'm sorry, but I'm really not. Turn around."

With a displeased huff, I turned on the spot and waited for Sasuke, as I heard him unzipping then re-zipping pocket. Soon enough, I felt fabric being wound in front of my face, and the whole world was plunged into darkness as the Uchiha tightened the makeshift cloth band around my eyes.

"And off we go again." I walked mindlessly for what seemed like forever, my mind completely blank and totally overcrowded at the same time. Sasuke was holding my arms behind my back yet again, and I felt like an idiot walking in the awkward position he had forced me into.

"Why are you so quiet, hmm? You struck me as the talkative type when I first encountered you," began the Uchiha randomly, making me raise an eyebrow. There was a difference between talking with Shisui and Naori, and talking to Sasuke. Shisui and Naori, I felt, were actual human beings who cared about the people they were in charge of. They wanted to talk to me, to reassure me that things wouldn't be too bad.

Sasuke, on the other hand, was a completely different story. Starting with A.) I didn't like him much, and B.) he nearly shot me, there were a plethora of reasons as to why talking to this asshole was different from talking to his comrades. Every word that escaped his mouth felt like venom, sent out to find and kill you. Not to mention, his sarcasm was hard to read. How could I believe anything this man had to say, especially when he'd threatened to kill me before?

"Mhm," was my only reply to the egotistic Uchiha. I was yanked to a halt and cried out as he tugged violently at my arms, pulling me closer to him.

"You are so lucky I don't just deal with you right here and right now," he hissed into my ear. "I should've taken the chance when I first saw you on the street!"

"Well it's not my fucking fault you didn't pull the trigger, is it?!" I snapped back in annoyance, having my hair yanked back by the General as a result.

"No, it's not, but by god I really wish I could kill you right now," seethed the Uchiha through gritted teeth, pulling my hair even harder.

"Go ahead! Be my guest!" I half yelled, trying my best not to cry out in pain. He was ripping out my hair, twisting my arm, and had me standing in an awkward position all at once, and it felt like hell. Though I mentally chastised myself for putting myself into this predicament- hell, I knew what I had coming from the minute I said "Mhm"- I noticed that I had a knack of being a smart mouth in situations that threatened my life. And safety. Especially with Sasuke.

"I have worse in store for you," muttered the Uchiha, releasing everything that he had been holding on to. "Get moving. You're stinking up the place, go clean up."

"Go where, genius, I can't- OUCH!"

I yelped in pain as I felt Sasuke begin to lead me again, but this time, he was pulling me forward by the ends of my hair.

"Goddamnit, Uchiha, what have I ever done to you?!" I exclaimed angrily, having no choice but to follow.

"Kohana, your very existence is an annoyance to me, and so is your big mouth," scowled the pissed Uchiha, having no mercy as he dragged me along like a rag doll. "Everything you do irritates me! And if god gave me another chance to, I would not hesitate in putting a bullet through your head! Okay?!"

"You have issues," I muttered, as I felt him swing his arm around and bring me to the front.

"Here. Shower. All the things you need are in there. Make it quick, because I have to take you to breakfast as well. Hurry up." Reaching for the blindfold around my eyes, Sasuke locked his fingers behind the material and tore it off, leaving me to blink and adjust to my surroundings. When I rubbed my eyes, I looked around to see that Sasuke had fully walked me in to the shower, which was a pristine, pearly white all the way through. The dual shower and bathtub were right in front of me, and to my left was a mirror and shelf which had white towels and what I assumed to be white clothing items on it, with matching white shoes underneath. Behind me, Sasuke took his leave, slamming the door shut. I heard keys as he locked the door, and called out, "Really? You think I'd run away looking like this?!"

When I received no reply, I sighed and immediately began undressing. At least now I knew why he hated me so much.


When I had finished dressing, I checked my reflection in the mirror as I tied up my hair. When they said that everything was provided, they really meant everything was provided. They had provided underwear- which, to my surprise, actually fit- and other toiletries, such as an electric razor, tampons, pads and waxing strips in the drawer underneath the mirror. Slightly surprised and bemused, I tried all of these items, cackling as I shaved one leg and waxed the other, taking up time so that I could annoy Sasuke even more. The clothes that had been provided for me were actually a simple long-sleeved white frock and white socks to go with my white shoes, which I couldn't quite understand. Why was everything white?

"Okay, sweet." Grabbing Sho and shoving him into my bra, I made my way to the door and knocked, waiting for the Uchiha to come and open my door.

"Hey! I'm ready!" I yelled out, banging my fist on the door as I waited impatiently. Seconds later I heard the sound of keys rattling, and then the door was swung open, revealing a displeased looking Sasuke.

"You still look ugly."

"Thanks," I said snarkily as I crossed my arms, waiting for him to get out of the way. However, he held out a hand, and twirled it in a way to indicate for me to turn around.

"Blindfold." I rolled my eyes and turned around, letting him do his job before turning around again and feeling him twist my arms behind my back again.

Thanks, asshole, I thought darkly as he began to push me forward to who knows where. Unlike the journey that brought us here, the one to my breakfast was a short, quiet one, and when we got there, I wasn't viciously yanked back as I usually would've been. Instead, I was brought to a gentle halt, and raised an eyebrow in curiosity.

"Kohana Yoruno," said Sasuke monotonously. "Room twenty nine. Special testing."

"Ah, okay. Bring her here, please." Special testing?

"You heard her. Move," said Sasuke roughly, pushing me forward. Stumbling over my chunky new shoes, I was guided into a new room and forcibly sat down in a hard, uncomfortable chair, and felt my arms hit an equally hard tabletop as I came down. Sasuke undid my blindfold, and when I regained my vision, I saw that I was sitting in small booth, with only a table and chair in it.

Behind me, Sasuke stepped out and shut the door, and I was left alone in this empty white room with my tray of food. It was a plain, silver tray, with eggs, salmon and sliced tomatoes on a white plate, with a bowl of what appeared to be plain yoghurt in a matching white bowl next to it.

"This is breakfast?" I said in an astounded voice. "But- I don't like salmon..." I added under my breath, halfheartedly picking up my knife and fork. It was then that a voice blasted through the room, saying, "Please eat all the food provided, and a beverage will be provided shortly."

Holy shit, I thought to myself, looking around the room for any signs of cameras.

I was being watched. While I ate a weird breakfast.

Everything just seemed to be getting weirder and weirder.

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