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"Aww, aren't the widdle Uchiha babies just the cutest?!"

I rolled my eyes as Kannon made Yuta and Ayumi sit on either side of me as I held Shisui in my lap. As she stepped back to examine our positions, she beamed and pulled out her phone. During one of our excursions out at a playground, Kannon had seen an opportunity for a photo and grabbed it with both hands- seating myself and the two older children on a park bench, she nodded in approval.

"Photo time!" she cheered, counting us down. "Three, two, one- cheese!"

I smiled as broadly as I could while she took the photo, looking satisfied with the outcome.

"Okay, Yuta, Ayumi, you can go back and play," I said to the pair, helping Ayumi off of the seat with one hand as I clutched onto Shisui with the other. The pair giggled as they headed back off to the playground before us, and Kannon resumed her seat beside me.

"I'm not going to lie, those Uchiha kids are some of the most beautiful children I've ever seen," chuckled Kannon, reaching over and ticking Shisui's belly. "When are you and Sasuke going to give us number three?"

"Not for a long time," I sighed.

"Ah, that's a shame." Kannon leaned back in her seat, watching Ayumi and Yuta playing with the other children in the playground. "I hope this war ends soon. It feels like it's been going on for too long now."

"You're right," I nodded, trying to remember when all the conflict had begun. "It's probably been about... five years now? Six? It started while I was still in high school. Time really does fly."

"Damn right." As I bounced Shisui in my lap, Kannon looked towards me imploringly.

"Can I... can I ask a question?"


"I actually kinda need advice," she admitted, scratching her head. "Well, now that Gaara and I are... a thing, I don't know how I feel about going to the Land of Water."

"Weren't you the one who was determined to go no matter what?" I mused, raising an eyebrow at her sudden change in heart.

"I mean, yes, but... establishing a base for our family there, I don't know how long it'll take, and... I don't know how long Gaara can wait."

"Wait? Wait for what?"

"For me."

"Kannon, you really should be asking Gaara," I laughed, finding her newfound sheepishness amusing. "Come on. You're both adults. You can work things out."

"Yeah, but... I don't know. I feel like a nuisance. He told me himself that we'd be welcome in Suna, but I told him that the Land of Water would be fine. It'd be hypocritical of me to go to him and say, "hey, you know what, I might actually take you up on your offer." But then all the logistics... I don't... I don't know."

"I'm sure Gaara would be more than happy for you to change your mind," I said gently, holding Shisui out to her. "Besides, it would really boost the population around here."

"Right, right. I'll just ask him later."

"Very good."

As Kannon turned her attention to Shisui and began playing with him, I looked up to see a shinobi running towards us.

"Kannon-sama! Amaterasu-sama!"

The sprinting shinobi came to a halt before us and bowed deeply.

"I have news from the Kazekage's office," he said breathlessly. "He has requested that you come to his office as soon as possible. It is regarding the fighting in the Land of Fire."

"Alright, thank you," I said, standing up and heading towards the playground. "Yuta! Ayumi! Time to go!"


"Some good news, Gaara. Please."

Kannon pleaded with the Kazekage as we entered his office twenty minutes later, flanked by Yuta and Ayumi as they ran directly to the windows behind his desk to gawp in awe at the view.

"Great news, actually," he smiled, waiting for Kannon and I to sit down. I parked Shisui's pram beside me, and clasped my hands expectantly. "We've received a message from the Hokage that they have succeeded in taking down the Uchiha compound. Fugaku has been killed, and the remaining Uchiha either surrendered or killed themselves. They're moving onto Konoha as we speak."

"That's great!"

"We've been informed that as soon as the Senju have restored order to Konoha and the surrounding areas, they will be sending back an envoy to escort you and the children back home," said Gaara, swivelling in his seat and chuckling at Yuta and Ayumi. "Which means that Kannon will be a free woman very soon too."

"Oh, that's so great!" I cheered, sharing in Kannon's celebratory mood. "Did they say how long it would take to get an envoy back here?"

"Two to four weeks, the letter stated," informed Gaara, turning back to face Kannon and I. "Although we can all finally rest in ease knowing that the Uchiha have been dealt with, the village will undoubtedly be quite different without you here."

"Thank you so much for your hospitality, Gaara," I said earnestly. "Really, you've done so much for us. I'll be sad to leave Suna. It's become my second home."

"Don't say your goodbyes just yet! He said we have two to four weeks left to wait, didn't he?" chuckled Kannon, reaching out and pushing me. "Let's make the most of it!"

"A new era is about to begin," nodded Gaara, reaching down and patting Ayumi on the head as she ran to his side and pulled at his robes. "Hopefully one that is better for children like Ayumi."

"Ahh, I don't know how to feel!" I sighed, stretching my arms and leaning back in my seat. "It's all done! Over!"

"Yes, everyone will be going their separate ways. Kannon will be off to reunite your clan, you'll be returning to Konoha with Sasuke, and I'll be here, as usual. I had a very pleasant time with you both."

"You know you had a better time with Kannon," I said teasingly, wiggling my eyebrows at the pair. Simultaneously, they both flushed bright pink, making me burst into laughter. "Do they know what Konoha is like?"

"I'd say it's a mess right now, but otherwise there shouldn't be any bad damage done to the infrastructure," said Gaara, coughing away his embarrassment. "What do you plan on doing when you return, Amaterasu?"

"I guess... I don't know," I shrugged, having not really thought in depth about my plans for the future. "Maybe raise Ayumi and Shisui until they're old enough for school, and... find a job."

"There's no way that the Senju are going to be able to cover up the existence of shinobi now," chuckled Kannon, looking over at her boyfriend. "And neither will you."

"I know. It'll be hard, but we'll manage."

Kannon, Gaara, and I all exchanged smiles.

"It's done," I said softly. "Everything is good."

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