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Apart from an impromptu visit to the shrine and being taken out to breakfast by Kannon, my twenty first birthday was no different to any other day. And, as usual, the most interesting part of it was being able to speak to Sasuke at the end.

"Okay, so tell me your plan for next week."

I sighed as Sasuke shot me a quizzical look, and recited my weekly timetable for him to see if it met his standards.

"Monday, Wednesday and Friday are my training days, every other day is a rest day," I grumbled. "Mondays are dedicated to wind, Wednesdays are dedicated to water, Fridays are dedicated to fire. Because of my recurring nightmares about the yuujin, we're going to cut down the amount of training time we spend on that to give my mind a break. Taijutsu will also be minimal- close to zero- and genjutsu will remain untouched. Questions?"

"And what will you do on those rest days?"


Sitting with him arms folded and legs crossed, Sasuke nodded in approval.

"Of course, this schedule is subject to change," he added, making me sigh. Don't get me wrong, I liked rest. But four days a week? There's only so much "rest" a person needs.

"Yes, yes, the further into the pregnancy we get the less time I'll spend on the training grounds," I groaned, sinking down into my seat. "At least let me relish these few months, okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever."


True to my word, I stuck to the plan I had proposed to Sasuke. And even though it wasn't as full on as what I had previously been doing, it helped keep me busy for a good portion of the week. My routine had a steady ebb and flow, and very quickly it became apparent to me that my life here in Suna was alarmingly beginning to mirror the one I had had at the Uchiha compound; but of course, a much better version of it.

I found that the less time I spent training, the better my sleeping pattern became. The nightmares of the yuujin attacking me had ceased to plague my nights, and I found myself being able to relax more. Being able to spend more time with Ayumi had its perks too; more often or not, the two of us would find ourselves back in Sasuke's cell, just talking and hanging out together. For once in a while, I was glad to have routine back in my life, but only because it was a routine that I chose for myself.

The only thing that really changed during this time was the size of my baby bump. February and March passed by, and then all of a sudden in April I started showing signs of carrying. It became more and more apparent in May, and it was then that the Kazekage called me into his office to deliver some news.

"Amaterasu, radiant as ever," greeted Gaara as Kannon and I entered his office one day, pushing Ayumi in ahead of me. As the bump had been growing, so was she. And I couldn't be more excited.

"Hello," I said in reply to the Kazekage, surprised to see that he was joined by the Hokage behind him. Seeing this too, Kannon raised an eyebrow and tightly shut the door behind her before joining me before the two Kage.

"What's up?" Casual but with concern evident on her face, Kannon sat down and pulled her chair up to the Kazekage's desk, a questioning look in her eyes. At that, Gaara fleetingly looked over at Lady Tsunade, who was standing behind him and staring out of his window with a great big frown on her face. Gaara in turn looked over his shoulder at her for a reply.

"Lady Tsunade, should I...?"

The Hokage was silent as he turned back to Kannon and I, where we awaited whatever news they had prepared for us.

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