Kekkei Genkai

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"Kohana, you don't look well."

I blinked and looked up cautiously at Shisui, having gotten lost in my thoughts once more during our lesson. Today, he had intended to instruct me on how to use basic shinobi weapons, like the kunai and shuriken. When I asked him why he didn't just teach me how to use a gun, his reply was, "They're useless against a well-trained shinobi."

For once in my entire stay at the Uchiha compound, we had gone outside. Although it was a restricted plot of land just outside of the main building, the change in scenery was a pleasant one compared to the confines I had been subject to for the last few days. On the way out, Shisui had had to blindfold me once more to hide the path from inside to out, so as to quell any thoughts I may have had about escaping. After seeing what was outside, I definitely wasn't going to be planning an escape any time soon. We were literally, in the middle of nowhere.

"Sorry," I apologised quickly, shaking my head and straightening up. We were in what appeared to be a training courtyard, with dummies for target practice set up at the far end from us. Kunai in his hand, Shisui frowned and tucked it into a pouch on his pant leg. I had a feeling that today was meant to be that day that I would get to learn some taijutsu action, but sadly, my mind just wasn't in it.

"Are you still thinking about Sasuke?"

I bit my lip, and nodded a little. He sighed and ran his hand through his hair, a slightly pained expression on his beautiful face.

"I'm so mad. But I can't do anything about it."

"I'm sorry," I said sheepishly, knowing that my wallowing in self-pity wasn't helping Shisui feel any better either. He shook his head and grinned at me with a shrug, brushing it off.

"It can't be helped," he said reassuringly. "I know the last couple of days have been pretty hectic for you. Maybe I should've waited a little longer before throwing you into all this shinobi stuff."

"No," I argued, "I'm glad you started now. I need as much time as I can to soak in any of this- I'm glad that you're even helping me, Shisui."

He smiled at me once more, but this time, sadly.

"I'd hoped to help you escape from being used solely as a womb... this is the only way I can still help you," he said in a depressed tone. With a final huff, he crossed his arms and said, "Right. We'll come back to this tomorrow. However, right now I want to take you to see Orochimaru. If anyone knows about your weird chakra nature, then it's that creep."

"Who's Orochimaru?" I asked curiously as Shisui took my blindfold out of his pocket and beckoned for me to put it on. I obliged without an argument, and he began to lead me down the path that would take me back into the Uchiha compound.

"One of our top medical researchers," he explained, gently pressing my arms against my back as we walked. "He's a creep, but he's also one of our most valuable personnel. He taught Karin and Kabuto as well."


"Yeah. Try not to get too freaked out. The guy's insane."


Even when we had reached the compound, Shisui refused to remove my blindfold.


When he finally did, I found myself in a hospital wing similar to the one I had met Karin and Kagura in when I had first arrived. He tucked the blindfold into one of his pockets and looked around, calling out for this so called creep.

"My, my, is this Shisui?" I leapt with fright at the sound of a new voice joining us, and turned around to see a pale man with long, dark hair clutching a mug of what appeared to be steaming hot tea, smiling vehemently at Shisui. The Uchiha mustered a small, pleasant smile, quickly bowing his head, before addressing the snake eyed man.

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