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"You're late, Shisui."

"I know, I'm sorry. It was her first night last night..." I watched as Shisui leaned in closer to the woman standing outside of my meal booth, whispering to her behind his hand. I don't know what he said, but it must have been something serious, because she jumped a little and looked at me with wide eyes.

"Out of all the people," she said sadly, shaking her head. She bowed to me, holding her clipboard in front of her. "Hello, Kohana. My name is Izumi. I have been instructed to assess you after you have eaten breakfast. Then you may continue on to your activities with Shisui. Is that okay with you?"

"Yes, that's fine," I said, hands clammy with sweat. She nodded and pushed against the door next to her, which slowly slid open at her touch.

"As per your last visit, please take a seat and consume all the food before you. A beverage will accompany your meal shortly."

Nodding at Izumi, I quickly glanced at Shisui before ducking into the confines of my little booth, and stared at the plate in front of me.

Yoghurt with rolled oats and berries, an appetizing looking omelette, and two slices of avocado. Once again, weird, but do-able. I picked up my spoon and began to dig away at my omelette, then going on to tackle the avocado slices. As soon as my spoon touched the avocado, the door to my booth opened, and Shisui walked in with a glass of water.

"How are you feeling?" he asked, placing it on the table next to my plate. I nodded, slowly chewing my food.

"Alright," I said, mind going back to my encounter with Sasuke last night. "Fine."

Shisui smiled, and nodded reassuringly at me.

"After this we'll go find you some more suitable clothes to train in," he said, eyeing out my hospital like garments. "We'll only be covering basics today, but I'd rather you wear something comfortable while we do it."

"Okay," I squeaked.


One outfit change into a black turtle neck and black pants later, Shisui and I were in a small office, which I assumed to be his own personal study.

"Have a seat," he instructed, sitting across from me at his large, mahogany desk. I looked around the enclave, fascinated by the sight. It was like a smaller version of the office I had first visited when I entered the compound, albeit not as depressing. Maybe it was because it was Shisui's room- instead of giving off a gothic vibe, even though everything was dark and melancholic, it was a soothing kind of darkness.

Shisui coughed into his elbow and leaned down, reaching for a draw and pulling it open. 

I watched curiously over the table top as he pulled out a little brown box and put it between us, then brought out a thick, encyclopedia looking book. I recognised the box as the one they had brought to the testing at the orphanage, and watched as Shisui held it out to me.

"This is chakra paper," he announced, beckoning for me to take a sheet. "We use chakra paper to test an individual's chakra affinity. If they don't have any, the paper remains intact. However, if it even catches the slightest hint of chakra..."

He grabbed a piece of paper himself, and it burst into flames almost immediately.

"Then this happens." He put the box in front of me, and I tentatively reached in and pulled out a piece of paper.

Nothing happened.

"Huh?" Shisui looked perplexed as I held the paper in my fingers, waving it around, waiting for it to become wet and burst into flames like it had last time. "Why is nothing happening?"

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