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The next day I barged into Sasuke's cell as if there was no tomorrow, with Kannon running behind me screaming for me to slow down. Pushing Ayumi to the window between us and Sasuke, I reached into the bottom of her pram and pulled out the scans Shijima had printed out for me.

The Uchiha was lying on his bed, appearing to be napping, but that didn't deter me.

"Sasuke!" I knocked on the window to get his attention, and he immediately sat up with a look of curiosity on his face. I held up the envelope with a big smile, and he slowly got to his feet and approached the glass.

"What's that?"

"The scans, so you can see!" Opening the big envelope, I pulled out one of the scans and pressed it flat against the window, letting the Uchiha get a glimpse of his new child.

"Tera, I see a blob," he said impassively, raising an eyebrow. I groaned and pulled it down, putting it back into the envelope and returning it to Ayumi's pram. It was then that I pressed my palms against the glass, wanting to be as close to him as possible while I delivered the news.

"Guess what it is," I said wildly, pressing my face against the window as well. "Guess!"

"Just tell me!"

Throwing my head back with a roaring laugh, I began to tap the glass enthusiastically.

"It's a boy!"

Sasuke's eyes widened, and he looked temporarily thrown off track. His expression was unreadable, but I took that to mean it was a good reaction.

"Really?" He leaned his forehead against the window, and I nodded in elation.

"Yeah!" I kissed the glass between us before backing away and sitting next to Ayumi, excited at the news. "We have one of each now!"

"Wow. I just... wow." I watched as Sasuke sunk to the floor in his room, and craned my neck upwards to see where he'd gone.

"What's up with him?" asked Kannon, pulling over a spare chair from the other side of the room. I shrugged as she looked over to get a better look at him, and saw her expression.

"Oh, uh..." Awkwardly scratching the back of her head, Kannon came back to my side looking thoroughly confused. Lifting a hand to her mouth, she mouthed to me.

He's crying.

More perturbed than confused, I returned to the glass and looked down at Sasuke.

"Um... Sasuke? Are you okay?"

He remained with his head bowed against the wall, and I nodded awkwardly because I didn't know what to do. I'd had my own meltdown yesterday, so I was feeling fine today. However, why Sasuke was having one... I had no clue.

"Uh... if you want us to leave you alone, I guess we can...?"

"No. Stay."

Looking at Kannon over my shoulder for help, I threw my hands into the air.

Just stay there! she mouthed, getting to her feet and taking Ayumi's pram. She pointed outside, and I nodded in understanding. With a sigh, I sat with my back against Sasuke's cell as Kannon quietly left the room with Ayumi, leaving the two of us in silence.

"Hey, why are you crying? You don't have to worry about pushing him out," I joked in an attempt to lighten Sasuke's mood, but seemingly to no avail. "Aha. Got it."

Silence befell us again, and I waited for Sasuke to break it.

"... I feel so useless."

I perked up at the sound of his voice, but instead of asking what he meant, I stayed quiet and let him explain in his own time.

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