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"Congratulations, Kohana."

I sighed as Karin delivered the news to me the next day in her hospital wing, sitting on the edge of my bed with the curtain drawn around me. When Shisui had first brought me to the wing, he had explicitly instructed Karin that all the women in here were not allowed to speak to each other, hence why everyone had their curtains drawn around their beds. He stood outside, waiting for my appointment to end, so that we could head down immediately to the training grounds.

"You sound as if you already knew," said Karin lightly, humming as she opened up my curtains. I shrugged at her, defeat clearly written across my face.

"I knew this day would come ever since I came here," I said dully, swinging my legs off of my bed and getting to my feet. "Sooner or later."

Karin nodded curtly, clipboard in her hand.

"I know that Shisui is currently training you to become a kunoichi," she said, looking down at her list. "However, you have to take it easy now. Being too active can risk you losing the baby. Where is Shisui? I need to speak to him."

"He's outside," I said, taking the lead and walking towards the protected door as Karin went through her checklist. "Don't worry, he knows."

"There's something else I need to speak to him about," said Karin, raising an eyebrow at me as I waited for her to weave the hand seals that would unlock the door for me. I shrugged and turned around, unable to care any less.

"Go for it."

Karin sighed and shook her head, and I watched as the door began to open before me. On the other side stood Shisui, his back to the entrance as I stepped out.

"Orochimaru told me to send you to him as soon as possible," said Karin. Shisui turned around, a look of pleasant surprise on his face.

"Oh? Did he say why?"

In regards to his question, Karin nodded curtly in my direction.

"He's found a lead on her."

Shisui's face brightened up, and he looked at me excitedly.

"Really? Kohana, that's great!" he exclaimed, as I fiddled with my hands in front of me. I was kind of curious, but at the same time, I was skeptical. "Your name's probably not even Kohana! How does it feel?"

"Knowing that my whole life has been a lie up until this point? Feels great," I said coolly, causing Shisui's smile to falter.

"Ah, right..." I laughed at his tone, making Karin frown at our joking about.

"He said to go to his office as soon as you can," she repeated, nodding at both of us. "Kohana, congratulations once more. With your genetics combined with Sasuke's, this child is bound to be brilliant."

With a tinge of bitterness in her voice, Karin retreated into her wing and shut the door behind herself, and I looked at Shisui with an eyebrow raised in surprise.

"Was she being sarcastic?"

Shisui grinned and shook his head, beckoning me to follow him.

"Not sarcastic. Just jealous," he said breezily as he led me to Orochimaru's office. "She's infatuated with Sasuke. Don't think too much about it."

I let out a loud breath of air.



Outside of Orochimaru's office, Shisui and I ran into Doctor Yakushi.

"Kohana! Hello!" he said warmly, raising a hand in greeting. I returned his smile and nodded, and Shisui urged me to follow him into the office. Clutching several papers in his hands, Kabuto bowed and dropped many of them, prompting me to bend down and help him pick them up.

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