Doctor Yakushi

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After I'd forced more than half of my breakfast down my throat, the door behind me opened, and Sasuke stepped in looking relatively bored.

"You done?" he asked coldly. I nodded, and he beckoned for me to get up and out of the room.

"No blindfold?" I snorted, earning me a push from the Uchiha. I tripped out of the door on my way out, hissing, "asshole!" as I went flying. Regaining my balance, I looked over my shoulder to see Sasuke stepping out of the room, shutting the door, and reaching for my arm once more.

"If you try to run, I'll snap your arm in two," he said in a steely voice, turning me around. "And no, I'm afraid there'll be no more blindfolds from now on."

I yelped as the Uchiha grabbed my chin in my hand, forcing me to look up at him. When I did, his usually dark, onyx eyes flashed crimson red with strange black dots in them, and I gasped as he stared into my own.

Then, just as soon as the red had appeared, it went away. As did the rest of my vision.

"Oh my god! You asshole! What did you do to me?!" I screamed, panicking at the thought of being completely blinded. "Sasuke! Sasuke?! Bastard, what did you do!"

I was answered with a knee to the back, and I went flying forward onto the ground as the Uchiha knocked me over with a sneer.

"Don't worry, it's only temporary. It saves me the time and effort of putting a blindfold on you all the time," he said as I struggled back onto my feet, only to be grabbed by the arm again. "Come on. It's time for your checkup."

"What do you take me for, a dog?!" I spat, as Sasuke pushed me forward into an unknown abyss of darkness.

"Maybe something less."

I burned with indignity as I was led through what seemed to be a maze of corridors, thankful at least for the fact that there were no stairs. However much I hated the Uchiha, I was also concerned and worried about his power. He had just taken my sight away. That wasn't humanly possible. Was this what using one's chakra could do?

After a few minutes of traipsing in silence, Sasuke roughly brought me to a halt, and I stopped with annoyance as I heard the sound of a door sliding open. A few scuffles later, and Sasuke spoke.

"This is the special one," I heard him speaking, raising an eyebrow in curiosity. "Kohana Yoruno." Hearing something tapping, I heard a new voice let out a sound of realisation.

"Ah, I see. Hmm, very special. Yes, yes, bring her in," said the new voice. Happily obliging, Sasuke shoved me forward, and I felt a new pair of gentler, kinder hands guiding my way.

"Hello, Kohana," came the voice, as I was softly navigated to whatever destination I was meant to go to. "I'm Doctor Yakushi."

"Hello," I said in an annoyed tone, still fuming over Sasuke's rudeness.

"I see you've met Sasuke," said Doctor Yakushi, to which I rolled my eyes. "And I see that he's blinded you. Right. Didn't even know that was possible." My knees bumped the edge of something soft, and the doctor said, "Here, can you just hop onto this bed?"

Aware of the fact that I was wearing a short dress with only my intimates underneath, I warily felt my away around as I got onto what I assumed to be the bed he was talking about, tense and ready to attack if anything weird was done to me.

"Please put this mask on." As soon as I was on the bed, I felt him slipping on something like an oxygen mask onto my face, and wildly glanced around, unsure of what was happening.

"What are you doing?" I asked worriedly, as the doctor re-positioned my body so that I was lying down.

"Just relax, and you'll be fine."

I realised too late that I was slowly falling asleep, having not noticed that the mask he had placed on my nose and mouth was slyly filling my lungs with an anaesthetic.

"Hey...! The nerve... you have..." Using my last few conscious breaths to try and curse at the doctor, everything went silent.


"... ran the tests and it shows..."

I don't know how much longer it was, but when I woke up, I woke up slowly and groggily, as if coming out of a sleepless dream. I could hear the doctor's voice somewhere farther away from me, and blinked in curiosity, hoping that my sight had come back. Eyes wide open, I sighed as I stared upwards, hoping to see some sort of colour or item that would reassure me that I wasn't blind. Nope. There was just total darkness.

"What are you suggesting?"

"That her and the other two who came in earlier are all the same," said the doctor, whose voice was growing louder. I closed my eyes as I heard his footsteps approaching me, only to be reprimanded with a sharp, "I know you're awake, dumbass."

I groaned as I recognised the voice.

"Why do I have to be stuck with you?" I whined as I felt Sasuke and Doctor Yakushi come to my side.

"Don't think I enjoy this either," scorned Sasuke. "Kabuto, are you positive? What were the results of the two this morning?"

"That man and the little girl both come from the same clan," said the doctor informatively, and the two completely ignored me. "The results for this one remain inconclusive. I recommend that you keep them altogether, though. They three are the most interesting ones I have seen so far. This one is too precious to be trained for combat. I suggest you keep her for something else, something where she's safe until we figure out what's so special about her."

"She was never going into the mainstream military to start with," came Sasuke's sharp, cold voice. I raised an eyebrow as I listened onto the conversation. They were talking about me, and so far, I was feeling relieved that I wasn't about to be enlisted into the Uchiha's military force.

"Are she and the other two members being trained for special combat?"

"The other two, maybe. This one... maybe something else."

"Right, I understand. As long as none of them are sent to the front line, at least, not just yet. They're very valuable assets, Sasuke. I'm surprised you managed to find such gems in a sea of peasants."

"They're just as much as peasants as the others are." I reeled with indignity at being called a peasant, and scowled as I crossed my arms. They sure had some nerve to talk about me while I was present.

"Do I get my eyesight back?" I asked loudly. I was answered only with a cold laugh from Sasuke.

I thought about the conversation that had just transpired as I heard Sasuke and Doctor Kabuto walk away from me, possibly talking about more, top secret stuff.

From what I deduced, I wasn't being sent into the military. At least, from what I gathered, I wasn't. I was "too precious," according to the doctor.

But if I wasn't being used for the military, then what else would I be working as? An assassin? A spy? A kitchen maid? A special service agent?

All of my questions remained unanswered.

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