There was no doubting who it was.

Almost as if in horror, Sasuke let out a gasp as he watched Itachi cleanly run his kunai across Izumi's throat with no hesitation. She let out a guttural choke at the unexpected contact, remaining only on her feet because the masked figure wrapped his arms around her to make sure she didn't crumple to the ground before she met her end.

In the few seconds that Izumi was conscious, her body immediately recognised the embrace.

Sasuke desperately wanted to avert his gaze, not knowing how Itachi was going to handle the pain of being responsible for his love's death. 

But he didn't. 

He watched as tears spilled from Izumi's eyes in her final moments, as she struggled to reach up and touch Itachi's mask- but ultimately failed as the life escaped her body, and she became nothing more than an empty shell in her husband's arms.

He watched as Itachi lowered his head, hugging his wife's body once more, before gently laying her down on the ground with utmost care, all of his emotions hidden by his mask.

Itachi... Sasuke watched on incredulously as Itachi nodded at him, before jumping back off to apprehend their father once more.

Sasuke could only stare at Izumi's lifeless body, still in disbelief. 

Had Itachi really just... killed the woman he loved? So easily?

A wave of sorrow washed over Sasuke as he brought himself back to reality, shaking his head so that he could go and join Itachi in taking down their father. He had no time to worry about Itachi or his feelings; he needed to help him complete their task, so that they could make new lives for themselves with the Senju.

While Sasuke had been entranced and staring thoughtlessly at Izumi's body, a new throng of shinobi had joined the fight, meaning that it was harder than before for him to reach his father and Itachi. The more he fought his way through the crowd, the more he realised how meaningless it all was. All the death and blood. It meant nothing to Sasuke anymore.

All around him, the cries of fallen shinobi filled his ears, with the smell of burnt flesh increasing every second he spent fighting.

What are we fighting about?

He didn't know how long it took him, but by the time he had managed to reach his father and Itachi, Sasuke was over it all.

Raising a hand to his face, Sasuke pried off his mask and pulled out his katana, glaring at his father as he turned his attention towards him.

With an arrogant smirk, Fugaku discontinued his assault on Itachi and laughed at his younger son.

"Why, I'm not surprised to see a traitor like you fighting for the Senju," sneered Fugaku, giving Itachi enough time to kneel down catch his breath.

"I know you're not," said Sasuke coldly, poised with his katana and ready for action. "Itachi, let's do this."

Getting to his feet, Itachi nodded at Sasuke and removed his own mask. Although Tsunade's instructions had been clear, everyone else around them was so busy with their own battles that they had little care about what was going on around them.

"I'm going to go in."

Sasuke nodded curtly as Itachi jerked his head towards the compound.

"I'll hold him down for you," said Sasuke, eyes narrowed at his father. Fugaku burst into laughter at the pair's exchange, hands over his belly as he ridiculed their plan.

"Where are you running off to, Itachi? Going to try and find your mummy?" mocked Fugaku, earning a cold glare from his first born.

"I'm trusting you, Sasuke."

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