I close the door and put on my earphones. Listening to my favourite song as I sang the lyrics.

The way to love me isn't hard.
Just hold me tight like you are now.
We don't know what will happen to us later.

But I like that nothing's decided.
Who cares what others say?
We can't live without each other, so what's the problem?

We can be more in love together...

All my insecurities were starting to come out.

The image of Jimin being with Taemin made me wanna rip my heart apart.

The image of Jimin smiling happily with Taemin instead of me.

Left a tear escape from my eyes.

If you start to like someone else
If I get used to not being with you...
When that time comes, when it's that time...

I caress the promise ring that was bought by Jimin and bit my lips, trying not to cry out loud.

"Only then can we break up..." I sang the last words before drifting off to sleep.

The following days, he had been leaving me all alone in the house.

He was always out late.

And it kept me wondering.

If I changed myself, would he like me back?

Would he love me back?

But I didn't really have to change.

Because I was being the same old me again.

The shy and quiet one in school.

I was quiet everytime. I didn't even want to greet people anymore.

Jimin likes the old me right?

So that means, he will love me..


Jimin POV

Over the past few weeks, Jungkook had been really shy and quiet.

It was as if I'm seeing the 15 year old boy whom I love so much.

"Hey kookie, is it okay if I hang out with Taemin and Sungwoon today? You'll be okay right?"

Normally he would reply.

But this time.

He just look at me and nodded.

My smile faded when I realized something was definitely wrong.

So I tried to make it up to him.
"Kookie~~ do you want to watch a movie with me today?" I said. He stop walking and tilted his head.
"You're not going to see Taemin?"

"I um...I mean I will but it's okay! Today is our day!" I said.

"Oh..." He look down, playing with his shirt. "If it's like that then you should just go"

I was starting to feel frustrated. "Are you not happy that I'm finally spending time with you Kookie?"

He look up and smile sadly. "I do, I really do but if you're only this because of pity then...

I don't want to spend time with you at all"

I was speechless. He smile sadly and walk up to his room, closing the door.

Guilt started to eat me up. I made myself comfortable on the couch to watch the TV but I couldn't.

if you're only this because of pity then...

I don't want to spend time with you at all"

The channel that was airing was forgotten as I walk to Jungkook's room.

I open the door and saw Jungkook curling up like a ball with the blanket.
I sat on his bed and stare at his face.

His long eyelashes, his big nose, his small lips.

I lean down to place a peck on his forehead.
He moved a little and curled himself even more.

I smile softly and lay down beside him while wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Don't...leave...me..I love...you.." I heard him mumbled. Once again, the feeling of guilt was eating me up.

"Oh Kookie..." I rest my forehead on his shoulder.
"I am so sorry..."

Jungkook POV
The sunshine had woken me up and I squint my eye, the light was so bright.

"What time is it?" I check the time inside my phone and it read
10:00 am.

I groan and cover myself with the blanket.
"It's too early.."

But the feeling of sleepiness wasn't there so I got up and brush my teeth.

"Another day, another alone time once again" I thought. But when I went downstairs, Jimin was there.

He wasn't texting.

He wasn't laughing so hard when he sees a video at his phone

It was just Jimin, smiling sweetly at me.
He open his arms and hug me tightly.

"Did you get a good night sleep Kookie?" We both made eye contact and I nodded. He smile and kiss my lips. "Good"

He took my hand and made our way to the living room, where there was pancakes, sausage, eggs and coffee on the table.


I was confused. "what is all of this?" I asked. He shrug. "I thought that instead of movie night, I made it into morning movie! Does that sound cool?" He said nervously.

"It sounds wonderful Jimin..."

He sigh in relief and sat down. "c'mon," he pat the seat. "Let's enjoy this day"

As we watch the movie, I couldn't help but to feel that Jimin shouldn't have done this.

"And why can't I Kookie?"

Ah man, I just said it out loud.

"It's just that, I don't know... I'm just so used to you not being here...you always come back late and refuse to even go out on a date anymore...it just makes me feel really sad you know?"

"I know..." He hug me and said "And I'm really sorry about it..I guess I got too carried away with the hangout thing until I forget about you..."

I kept quiet since I didn't know what to say anything.


"Look at me"

I stare at him and he suddenly cupped my cheek and wiggle my nose with his.

"I love you" he said softly. I blush and buried my face on his neck.

"Me too..."

He chuckled and cover us with the blanket, cuddling up together.

"And you don't have to change yourself or anything, I love you just the way you are"

"Really?" I look at him and he nodded.

"Always and forever"

The end.

So...How is it?

I think this one might be my favourite hehehe.

Btw, the song that Jk was listening is Only then by Roy Kim.
Bye bye

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