My jaw drop. "You hired a secret agent just because of that?"

"Yes, why?" He said. I shake my head and went inside. "You're so rich to the point you hired a secret agent but It will be much more better if my life is personal and unknown so...bye bitch" and closed the door shut.

"Who is that?" Yoongi asked.

"A bitch"

"You found a dog? Well where is it?" Yoongi tried to find the invisible dog that I don't even have.
"It's Park Jimin!" I said.

He made an 'O' face and said "Nevermind then"
The following days, he started to treat me well...


I don't know if I can declare that. Because he's just too spoiled.

Sometimes he would bully me.

But just tripping me.

"Hehe, did you fall flat on your face again Jungkook?" He teased. I growl and stood up. "No..." I tightened my fist and crack my neck. "But you will"

He gulped and grab his friend or should I say, his butler and said "You know what? I think I'm just gonna go now bye bye"

I growl again.

Such a bitch.

I hate him

So so

I was in my room. Yoongi was out and so I'm home alone, busy sketching.

I was satisfied with my drawing so I saved it and turned it off.
But then, I heard something on my window.

I stood up and saw little rocks been thrown on my window.
I got curious and opened the door, able to avoid the rocks.

"Hey! Can I come in?"

Oh fucking course.

"Absolutely not shitty not" I close the window and slumped on my bed.
I take out my phone and just check my messages and scroll through Instagram.

"Hey! Is that my account?!"

"Ahhhhhhhh" I fell off from the bed and groaned.
"Oops! Sorry!"

I glared at him and he grin, closing the window.
"Didn't I told you NO?" I stand up, brushing the dirt off from my knees.

He giggled and said "I don't listen to you and you don't listen to me so blehhh" he stuck his tongue out.

I roll my eyes and grab his arm.
"Hey hey hey! What are you doing?!"

"Taking you out where else?!" I said. "No way! I don't want to!"

"I don't care! Just get out of here!"

"Never!" He accidentally trip and he pull me until we both landed on the bed.
He was on top of me. Gulping.

"Uh...this is awkward..." Jimin said nervously. I roll my eyes and push him away. But he didn't budged. I raise my eyebrow and said
"Are you actually enjoying this?"

He smile shyly which my mouth twitch.

Why do I like seeing this side of him?

This is crazy...

"C-Can we stay like this?" He asked. "No" I said coldly and lift him up, putting him on the door. He pout and stand up, placing his hands on his hips.
"I just wanna talk you know!"

"Then you don't have lay on top of me to do so" I said simply. He roll his eyes and walk towards me, smirking.
"How bout now?"

I was getting frustrated at him. "Gosh, why do you even do this?! Why are you treating me so kind? You are a two face bitch who ruined everything!"

I was starting to get emotional. The tears were pouring down on my cheeks.
"You make me so confused Jimin! I hate you! You destroyed my life! You made me wanna end all of this! You're such a devil-"

What he did next shocked me.

He cupped my cheeks and kissed me. On the lips.
My eyes widen and I pull away harshly. I was about to hit him but he grab my arm just in time.

"I'm sorry okay?!" Jimin said. I scoff. "Sorry?! Sorry doesn't mean anything Park Jimin! You can't changed what you did!"

He bit his lips and sigh. "I know that....but I know I shouldn't have....this isn't what I wanted..."

"What do you mean?" I said. He sigh again and smile fakely.

"Don't you remember me Jungkook?" I shake my head and he smile fakely.

"I'm your childhood friend Jungkook..." He hold my hand and continued. "We were the best of friends...I said Hi to you and you were shy but you still accept me because you said I was really kind to you..."

I didn't say anything so he kept going. "We would play at the sand and then we would randomly draw on the walls and then we also sleep together...we basically did everything together..." He chuckle but then stop.
"But...I left you alone... because... I was adopted first...and you didn't..."

This time, it was his turn to cry. "I had gotten a rich family while you get a decent one."


"Sorry...anyway, when I saw you at the park that day, I knew it was you" he look up and caress my face. "This lips and this big nose were the same as my Kookie but I don't know...I guess I was so overwhelmed by my emotions, I ended up spilling the coffee"

"Yeah, you ruined it" I said. He nodded and hold both of my hands, interwined it with his.
" could say I was obsessed with money and fame as well..."

"No shit Sherlock"

Jimin sigh"I sincerely apologise for being so mean, so arrogant, so spoiled and destroyed the things you love..." He smile fakely. "I have loved you since young and I am really sorry Kookie...If I treated you better then maybe...just maybe..."

He stared at me for awhile before signing and letting go of my hand.

He was about to leave but I hold his wrist tightly.
"What maybe?" I asked. He furrowed his eyebrows and said "Huh?"

"If you treated me better, if you weren't so obsessed with fame and money then what will happen to us? What did you think we are Jimin?" I asked. He bit his lips and said.

"I wanted us to be....a couple...." He look down and tried to free himself.

But I pull him closer to me and cup his cheek. "Well, why didn't you say so?" And I kissed him.

It was as if nothing can pull us away. The kiss was so addicting. But Jimin pull away first, panting.

"W-What? What are we doing? I..I'm.." I smile and peck his forehead.
"I love you too and I forgive you Minnie and god damn it" I buried my face on his neck. "I miss you so fucking much Minnie! I've been looking everywhere for you!"

"What?" He lift my chin up and said "are you saying that you knew me this whole time?!"

I nodded. "I figured it out when you were treating me really nice..and your physical appearance look like my Minnie so yeah.."

"Are we Fated to be then?"he said. "Only if you would change your spoiled, mean, arrogant attitude we would"

He giggled and peck my nose, wiping my tear away.
"Anything for you Kookie"

The end.

Idek what I wrote but I hope you like it....

Bye bye 😊

Please do comment about what you think about this chapter. I really appreciate it. ✌️

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