"Come on...  Let's eat and go up at once."

And that is what that happens.  We sit down in the restaurant.  Nathaniel looks at me while I take a bite of lasagna.  He smiles and I obviously look away already annoyed.

His smile drops when he sees I am not in for anything.  He frowns and take his own bite.

Something about his frown makes me sad.  He looks away as he bites his food.

"I'm sorry." he mumbles. He looks worried though he won't look at me. I nod,  keeping my eyes on me before it kicks in he can't see me.

"What for?"

He shrugs and scrunched his face. 

I would have not done it if he didn't keep up with his little act.  But I guess I couldn't help it.  Though trying to make him feel super comfortable with himself,  I totally fail when my sexual instincts kick in.

I slip my right shoe off and without hesitations I look at him.  That is when our eyes meet.  He must have noticed the mischief look in my eyes because he raises an eyebrow,  then in a split second his eyes widen choking on the water currently in his mouth.

To my satisfaction,  he is just as hard as I am,  if not more.  But the moment doesn't last longer before he pulls his chair away leaving my  foot to fall from his erection to the floor.

"Don't do that." he groans but regardless his words he pulls the chair closer and gives me a demanding look,  which to his own luck,  I comply.

I repeat the action,  allowing my toes to press down on him. He shuts his eyes and instead of pulling back like he did he buckles closer.

"You're such a slut Nathaniel Sandas." I tell him, mimicking his own words from the other time he we were doing 'stuff'.


And it wasn't a surprise that when  we get in the elevator,  our bodies get stuck to each other. 

I didn't even know I'd unleash a monster from Nathaniel...

He presses me hard on the walls,  his lips never leaving mine with such force that our teeth graze on each other. 

When it opens,  I lead.

I walk so fast to 'our'  room and swipe the card and get in.  Nathaniel's hands holds my waist after he kicks the door shut.

His lips find mine again and I moan so loud pushing my tongue down his throat. 

He pushes me off and takes a few steps back before he kicks both of his shoes away.  I keep my eyes on him as he kicks off the shorts and everything else being thrown in the little corner we've decided to treat as our washing basket.

I don't even realize I am just standing there watching him until he speaks.  "Why are you just standing?"  and that is also when I realize I'm suddenly nervous! More than yesterday! More than ever!

With shaking hands I manage to remove my shorts.  I go for the sweater next frequently looking at Nathaniel who is now pulling his boxers off.

-but I keep my boxers on...

He must have noticed my sudden change because he comes and hold my naked waist. He caresses the skin there then lowers his hand to slid his thumps and finally pushes he then off.

Embarrassed by the situation,  I lean on his chest shutting my eyes. 

His hands let the soft fabric fall.  I wiggle my legs and then fall to my feet where without thinking I kick them off.

Elia (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now