Chapter 39

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*Brooke's POV* 

The thing I hated the most was his fame and his lack of intimacy. Everywhere we went, there had to be flashing cameras.I don't even want to tall about all of those magazines I see, which have my face all on the front page, all with stupid statement. Ashton Iriwn is the newest father in the music industry. 

Really? Like Ashley wasn't his daughter nine years ago... I hated the fact that Ashton was the victim here, I'm not saying it wasn't my fault, but it wasn't entirely all my fault that he got to meet her only 10 years later. Even here, in Tokyo, I see tons of pictures with me and Ashton. How could B.S. keep the little baby away from her father (Ashton Irwin) for 10 years ?

I wish I could just show a little movie to them, so they could see how things actually worked back then.

"Stop worrying, Brooke, I told you, I will take care of this." Ashton said as I scoffed around throwing some magazines to the table. "They are starving for news like this, they just want to feed the public. In a month or so, they will forget it, their attention will be drawn to some other shocking news." he came to me and cupped my face making my eyes meet his. "Brooke, don't do this to yourself. You know is just a matter of time till they just get use to it" he rubbed my cheek with his thumb. 

"Not if you'll quit! They will just come up with other sick rumors that maybe I put you up to this and then I'll see a stupid picture of me on the front page 'Was she the reason he quit the band?' " I stepped back and just tried to imitate all those people from YouTube. He chuckled at my scene "Stop smiling! I'm serious!" I said trying to hide my smile away, but he kept chuckling around. "Ash, stop!" I whined. 

"But you're too funny! Brooke, how many times I've gotta say, I'll take care of everything. I just want to see you happy, that's all I need." he kissed my forehead. "I'm sorry ... I know this has been really hard for you, and I'm not making things easier for you.." "You never do!" he giggled "Well yeah .." I rolled my eyes playfully "But you do Brooke, every time I look into this gorgeous blue eyes of yours, I just know this is the right thing to do." his thumb lifted my chin. 

"I love you Brooke" "I love you too Ash!" I wrapped my hands around his neck and crashed my lips onto his. "Now, are you ready for your first 5sos concert?" he asked smiling."Yeah, I guess I am.." he chuckled and gave me his hand. 

We were backstage and I could hear so many fans screaming outside. He kissed my lips "Wish me good luck!" he shouted into my ears as the noise was so big I could barely hear him. "Good luck babe!" he smiled and I pulled him into a deeper kiss. He ran to the drums and the fans screamed like crazy, there were a lot of boys there and girls too. But I was so surprised to see the guys outnumbered the girls. Michael, Luke and Calum ran with their guitars and started to do their usual number. 

After they played some strong hits of theirs Ashton spoke. "So I would like you to sing with us this song." he turned his face searching me backstage. "I wrote this one just thinking of someone special.. and I think you all know who this is about." he faced the screaming crowd again and they began to sing. 

I bet you're listening

even when you're with him

I feel you thinking of me

under the circumstance

if we could try again

and you could finally see

It's like a mystery

The way you get to me

Thinking about you (A.I.  FF) - CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now