Chapter 35

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*Ashton's POV* 

It's been 2 weeks already and Brooke was getting more and more depressed by every day that passed without Ashley waking up. I felt so hopeless, I couldn't make her happy anymore. She just wanted Ashley to wake up. It hurt me so bad seeing her like that. And it hurt that Ashley wouldn't wake up. Brooke stopped going to work and what it hurt the most it was that I still had to play at some concerts and I couldn't be with her 24/7. 

Calum came back from his honeymoon and he went to see Brooke to. Brooke and Calum used to get along so good and he made her a little strong, she even smiled when she talked to him, but I don't know what to do. Whenever I try to hug her, be there for her she pushes me away. Not really physically, but I know she's not there with her mind. She blames herself and I feel horrible. 

"Brooke, please eat this baby!" I offered some food. "I'm not hungry!" she whispered her eyes not leaving Ashley. "Brooke please! That's what you've been saying for two day now. You need food. Please eat!" I insisted. "I said I'm not hungry!" she didn't even look at me. "Baby, come on! You'll get sick! Just a bite, please!" I practically begged her to eat. "Ashton, I don't need food. I don't need anything! Why can't you understand? Why can't you just leave me alone?" she said finally meeting my gaze. Her eyes are all puffy and red from crying and not sleeping. She was so weak and she wouldn't leave Ashley's bed. Not even to eat. 

"But Brooke- " "Ashton, please leave!" she requested. I furrowed my eyebrows when I heard her saying that. My heart was breaking. "Please Ashton! Do this for me!" "I'm not leaving, not until I see you eat!" I whispered holding back the tears that formed in my eyes. She didn't need me and it hurt like hell. "Okay give me that stupid food already!" she said taking it and I could tell she  forced herself to swallow a few bites. "Happy now?" she rose her eyebrows and I didn't move. Her face turned softer looking again at Ashley who was not moving a muscle. 


"Ughhh!... ughhh!!" I screamed punching the punching bag. I let it all out. I was so angry at myself for nit being able to be there for her. For nit being able to help her. She didn't need me. She wanted me gone. I tried my best to be strong for her. Ashley was my daughter too, and it hurt also hurt me that she was still not awake. I tried to hide all my fears, but the truth was that I was afraid she might die. She might die and I hadn't had a chance to meet her. Brooke never gave me the chance to meet my daughter, and when I finally got the chance, she's about to die. 

"Why are you here?" Michael asked looking at me punching that thing. "I can't help her. She doesn't need me!" I stated still punching that bag. "Of course she does! She needs you now more than ever. She need the one who love her around her, man." he said trying to convince me. 

"She told me to leave her alone." I sighed. 

"She needs you, Ashton! Get your shit together and go there. Be there for her. She needs her family!" "But I'm not her family!! I shouted facing him. "She might be mine, but I'm not hers... she doesn't need me!" I then lowered down my voice.

"Hey man, I get that you go through a rough period, but how on Earth can you say that your not her family. You're the father of her child. You love her, she loves you. Do something about it!" Michael spoke up. "I don't know what to do Mike, I'm so helpless.. I-I-I tried everything, nothing would make Brooke happy." I let some tears fall. 

Michael hugged me. "I know it's hard, but you are strong man, you can do this!" "Thanks mate!" I hugged him back and right then an idea came in my mind. I grabbed my phone and searched Brooke's mom number and dialed it.

"Hello?" she picked up. "Uhmm Hi!" I said "Ashton? is that you sweetie?" she asked. "Yeah"  "What happened?Is Ashley awake?" I could tell she was surprised I called her. "No, not really. I need you Mrs Scott!" I said. 

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