Chapter 28

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*Brooke's POV*
I woke up with Ashley still sleeping. I looked at the clock that was pointing 7.30 am and I went in the bathroom to take a shower. I felt much better today, all that pain that I felt yesterday was gone. I think it was from all that impact of feelings we shared last night.

I took a towel and wrapped it around my body. I applied some make up and then went to take some clothes on me. I took some purple skirt and a matching coat and some cute simple white molded blouse. I picked some office heels and some cute accessories. I then woke up Ashley as it was Friday, and she had to go to school. I gave her some cute skinny jeans and a pink shirt and then curled my hair. We ate pancakes for breakfast and then I drove her to school.

"Bye mom, love you!" she smiled giving me a kiss. "Bye sweetie, love you too!" I said as she got out of the car.

"So are you gonna tell me what the hell were you going to do last night?" Andy asked handing me my morning coffee. "Don't Andy, it's not a good time!" I pleaded. "You were gonna kiss him if I didn't show up!" she hissed. "Yeah, maybe I was!" I said annoyed. Andy just rolled her eyes "You're gonna have your heart broken again! By the same douche !" she said bringing me to the climax. "Don't Andy, you know he's a good guy!" I glared now really annoyed.

"Maybe! I don't want to see you getting hurt, Brooke! You can't fall for him, he's here in New York now, but where's he going to be in a few months? Alright I'll tell you, in Japan, Brooke! He's not here to stay, you know damn well." she warned me again. "I'm not falling for him!" I lied, I knew I was, I knew I've never actually fallen out of love with him.

"Yeah, I could tell that, by the way you were looking to his lips last night!" she said sarcastic. I glared at her one more time and then went in my office. "Right Brooke, Run! Run from the truth!" I could hear her yelling behind me.

I knew she was being a good friend, and she didn't want to see me hurt, but there were like no chances for me and Ashton to meet again.

I closed the door and when I got to my chair it was opened by someone. John entered like a lightning in my office.
"Problems!" he said holding up a file with his hands. "What's wrong this time?" I asked.
"Malone!" he growled getting my attention. "You know that loop hole I was talking about? it was all a set up! We had the court today and I'm telling you, this guy, knows damn well what he's doing. He set the whole thing up so the court would suspended for another 10 days. He bought himself some time so he can put his hands on the money to take over the Industry. I'm so pissed right now!" he said angrily.

"I'm so gonna take him down right now! Give me this case, I won't sleep until I know I won this!" I said grabbing the files. John and I started overlooking the case again. I was so stressed I couldn't think straight, we needed to do something.
"We need to talk Bill into putting money into the pension funds! We need as many votes on our side as we could possibly get!" I said. "You think this is a good idea? You're asking him to give up on 500 millions . I don't think he will agree." John stated. "Well if he cares about that company he has to do it!" I stood up.

"I'll go and talk to him!" John stood up as well leaving my office. My head hurt as I wasn't doing so well on any plan of my life.

"Hey, something came for you!" Andy came in my office handing me an envelope
"What's that?" I asked looking at it. "I don't know!" she said waiting for me to open it .

There they were three tickets for the Guess Fashion Show for the next week. I couldn't believe my eyes. I couldn't find one ticket and he bought three tickets to that show. I knew they were from Ashton since he was the only one I've told about this fashion thing. "So?" Andy asked rising her eyebrows waiting for an answer. "Oh, some tickets to a fashion show." I smiled. She looked serious "Hey Brooke, I'm sorry for acting like that! It's none of my business, so you can do whatever you want, is your life!" she apologized.

"Thanks Andy!" I said as she nodded and left. I was staring at the tickets. I didn't understand why would he send three tickets, but it didn't bother me. Finally something good happened in my life!

Now all I had to do is wait to see how things turn out to be. I was so stressed with this Malone case, I really want to save thr people jobs and I want to show Malone that I'm here to win. I hate him, he doesn't respect the law and it's not fair.

I'm fighting with a nuts in here and I have to do this by law, I need to find a way to win this.

Hii guys, so I know this chapter is not so great :D sorry.. I'll update more tomorrow or tonight Xx :p  Love u all. Thanks for reading this. Thanks for 3K reads, you guys don't even know how much all this means to me ! Xx
Please vote and share it ;p

-Doriss G.

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