Chapter 18

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And another year had just passed. It's 4th of January and everything was just perfect. Too bad Ashton had to leave in 2 days. I got so used to having him around and now he leaves... again . I guess I should've got used to it already, with the whole touring stuff. It's just ... he's so far away and his manager is not doing things easier for us either.

I got out of the bed and went in the bathroom so I can shower. I let the warm water to wake me up while thinking about my today 'to do' list.

I have to meet up with the girls and Josh and I promised mom I'll take Angie from the ballet classes and maybe later I'll go to Ashton's place and spend some quality time with him. I already miss him so much.

So after I took the shower I went into the dressing room and picked out an outfit. I took some orange shorts and a white molded tank top with some white converse snickers. I put my hair into a ponytail and put on some light make up.

I went to see Ally. I haven't exactly talked to her about her problem since then. I saw her at the New Year party but we haven't exactly got time to have serious talks.

So I walked to her house and knocked on the door, but no one answered so I let myself in. I went into her room.

"Hey Ally!" "Oh, hi there Brooke, what's up?". I smiled and hugged her. "Well I wanted to see how you've been.." I said sitting on her bed.

"Oh, you know,just sitting around, drawing stuffs ... uhm...  I decided to stay with mom.." she said as she faced the floor.

"So they really get a divorce?" I asked.

"Yeah, but I started to get used to it! Dad is moving out of the town and I don't want to leave so I'm staying with mom, Brandon too!" she said cracking a weak smile.

"I don't know what I'd do if you were leaving too! Good thing you stay with your mom !"I said trying to comfort her.

"Yeah, it's our last year! I want to spend my last year with my best friends, I couldn't leave now, plus we will see dad in the weekends!" she smiled.

"Yeah, it will be ok, we got your back Ally!" I hugged her. "Thanks Brooke! So how are you holding up?" she asked.

"Hmm?" "With Ashton leaving again and stuff.." she explained.

"Oh, with that! Yeah, I'm trying to just roll with it, you know? I mean it's hard. He's away for 4 months and he stays home only one and then he leaves again. And even when he'a home he actually had some touring to do here as well so yeah.. it's hard!" I said now me being the one who's staring at the floor.

"You'll be fine! You always work it out somehow." she smiled. "Yeah, I know!" I smiled back as my phone was ringing.

"It's Kate... Hii!" "Hey Brooke, so where are you ?"  "I'm at Ally's now! Where are you?"  "I'm at the beach .. with Josh! Take Ally and move your asses down here! We're waiting on you guys!"  she laughed.

"Ok, we'll be there as soon as possible!" I laughed too and hang up the phone.

"So where we will be?" Ally asked.

"At the beach! Come on! Let's go!" I said smiling.

"Wait. Let me ask Brandon to drive us there! He's home!" "okay!" I agreed.

As she said Brandon, her big brother was at home and he had nothing to do so he drove us to the beach.

When we got there Kate was already in the water and Josh too.

"Guys we'll go buy some cofee and something to eat! We didn't have breakfast so we'll join you in a few minutes." Ally shouted and Kate went all thumbs up and carried on.

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