Chapter 1

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I woke up at the sound of a broken dish or something, probably my little sister, Angie drooped something, she is only 6 and it usually happens to her that's why my mom bought her some plastic ones. I get out of the bed and go downstairs to see what just happened.

"Angelina Marie Scott, what did you do again?" my mom asked her. Angie just stood there with the biggest smile on her face and her hands in the air acting like she was surrendering.

She is the biggest sweetheart and she always lights up my world with her beautiful smile and the way she thinks about herself as an adult, it's just so funny.

"Mom, I promise I didn't drooped it this time, it broke free. I think this dish thought I was holding her prison..." she said in a really serious tone. I started laughing and my mom did too, Angie always find an excuse.

"Of course darling, you probably should have used the one I had bought you" my mom told her trying to get her to use the plastic ones while cleaning the mess Angie did.

"But mom, those are with princess. I told you I am big now! I don't need Disney princesses and dolls anymore" Angie said causing me to laugh even harder at her attempting to look more like an adult.

"Ok, maybe I was wrong about the Disney princesses and probably I shouldn't have bought those ones, but let's make a deal.You stop breaking dishes and I will stop treating you like a child !Deal?"my mom smiled.

She is always good to us, I can talk with her about anything and I love her so much.

"Deal! Now can I pleaaase get a muffin I am hungry,you know?"

"Come here and let's have breakfast" she gave Angie her hand and walked to the table.

I went closer and my mom finally noticed me "Good morning sunshine! How are you?"

" Morning mom, good. What do we have for breakfast?" I asked

"Pancakes, and muffins with milk" she said giving me a smile.

I was feeling like pancakes today so I ate pancakes

"So Brooke, any plans today?" my mom asked

"Well I am meeting with Ash today he said he wants to tell me something and I don't know, maybe I'll see Kate and Ally today. Why? Do you need me or something?

Ash is my boyfriend, he is a really sweet guy, he is a member of a band called 5seconds of summer. They are really awesome and they have a little fan base on YouTube, they are still at the 'making covers' step but I got a strong feeling they will become well known because they are really talented guys. Ash is the drummer,Luke plays guitar along with Michael and voice too and there is Calum plays bass and is voice too .

"I was hoping you could take Angie to ballet classes at 3 because I can't, I have to 2 surgeries today and I don't know if I am able to get home in time".

My mom is a surgeon and she is mostly at hospital so I am used to taking care of Angie when she is working.

"Of course, don't worry! I'll take her!" I replied

"Thank you sweetheart! You're dad will pick her up so you can hang out with your friends, summer break is almost over so I want you to have fun as much as u can" she smiled .

"Yeah, summer is almost over, it was the best summer ever... Thanks mom"

"Is dad coming after me today? yayyy !" Angie cheered

She loves dad! He always gives her gifts and he is playing with her when he is hone.

My dad is a lawyer and he is mostly busy with work and usually comes home late, but if we don't already sleep he stays with us and play with us even though sometimes he is really exhausted from all the work. I can feel he loves us so much. I love him too, but I am not so close with him as I am with mom.

"Yes Angelina, he took his day off because he wants to spent some time home." my mom said putting the dishes in the dishes washing machine.

Angie walked around mom and she was following her every move . My mom got ready and left for work and Angie went straight to the TV and watched some cartoons I guess.

I looked at the clock. It was now 10 a.m. I went in the bathroom and took a shower washing my hair,face and body.

Then I went in my dressing room and picked up a summer outfit. Some skinny white shorts and a pale pink tank top along with my white converse sneakers. I put on some make up and blow dried my dark blonde hair.

My phone rang and I immediately knew it was Ash because of the ring tone. I picked up and finally he's sweet voice invaded my ears and put me in some kind of hypnosis

"Hey beautiful, so can I come pick u up ? I really really need to talk to you!" my heart rate went up. He does have this effect over me. We are together for 2 years and 1 month and he was the only one who can do that to my heart. I know he is my one true love.

"Hey gorgeous, sure , come, I am ready!"

"Ok, see you in about 15 minutes?"

"yeah sure!" was all I said and I hang up. Looking in the mirror I had that stupid smile on my face that I always have when I hear him or his name.

"Why are you so happy, B? Did Ash call you?" Angie said standing in the door

"Is it that obvious?" I laughed

She chuckled and said "tell him to bring me sweets next time he comes by, ok? pleaaase ! for me !"

I laughed "Why won't you tell him ? I will come with him to take you to ballet!"

She just smiled "oke I will tell him then !"

I called Elle, Angie's nanny, she takes care of Angie when I can't. Elle came and after a minute I heard a car and knew ut was Ash. I kissed Angie goodbye and told Elle I will come at 3.

I closed the door and my smile became larger when I saw him waiting for me. I hopped into the car

"hey babe, I missed you" he said kissing my lips

"missed you too" I said smiling, he smiled back and then drove away.


Ok so it's my first story, hope you'll like it ! I will update ASAP :) bye Xoxo

-Doriss G.

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