Chapter 11

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*Ashton's POV*

It felt so wrong lying to Brooke, but Matt Emsell, our tour manager forbidden me to call her text her or talk to her in any way. I felt so hopeless and ashamed. I lied, I lied that I had no girlfriend, what does she think about me now ? I let her down, I should have told the truth.

Matt told me it was better for me not to talk to her because of the fans and they can get really jealous. I can see how things go with Nafisa and she is a fan so basically they are going soft on her, but like Matt said: they would show much more hate to her because she knew us for a long time and she's my girlfriend for a really really long time. I don't know if they would accept her. I know some fans would, but some wouldn't...

Brooke has a lot to think about I don't want to stress her with the band fans hate towards her. I hate the fact that I can't talk to her. It's good thing that after this week I'll be going home and I will talk to her. Hope she will understand.

"Hey man, what's on your mind?" Liam snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Hey Liam, I'm .. I don't know ! I feel terrible lying to Brooke, she doesn't deserve that!"

"Well you know Ash, being in a popular boy band has its ups and downs. You get tons of girls running after you, but the one you actually love is the one you can't be with because either the fans will hate her and she won't handle the pressure and you will spilt up either they will love her and the media will always try to find something on you guys and that's how trust issues apear and you will broke up. So the summary is this: You will broke up either way!" Liam said.

"Yeah, but man I really love her, I feel like it could work... It has to work . I love her, I can't lose her.." I said.

"I really loved Danielle too, but we had to broke up, the media was all over us, we barely had some privacy. It's the only thing I hate about being famous." He said.

I could tell he was sad. I wanted to be with Brooke no matter what. I hope she still wants to be with me after I lied to the whole world about our relationship.


"Ready for the show mate? it's almost our last show!" Niall said.

"Yeah, I'm ready!" I said grabbing my drumsticks. We had to go on stage, Luke, Calum and Michael were already with their guitars in their hands.

I ran on the stage and heard the crowd yell. It was such an awesome feeling!

The show was amazing, I could get used to playing like this for thousands people.

These last 3 months were really great and we worked pretty hard, If Brooke was here it would have been the best time of my life, but she's not here. I miss her like crazy.

I miss her eyes and her soft hair. Our last kiss was at the airport and God only knows how much I miss those lips. Can't wait to get home already. It's been so much since I last saw her face. I need her, I need to feel her beside me. I want her so much now, I don't care about what Matt has to say I'm gonna call her. I miss her way to much.

I picked up her phone and dialed her phone number.

"Who are you calling man?" Calum came in the room and saw me with the phone in my hands.

"Brooke!" I whispered.

He took my phone and hang up before it connected to her.

"What are you doing Calum?" I screamed.

"I know you miss her but you can't talk to her! Not right now, anyways !" he said calmly.

"Calum, I need to talk to her, I miss her like hell and I'll go crazy if I won't here her voice in the next minute. She needs to know that I'm sorry and that I love her. I need to tell her that !"

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