Chapter 36

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"Okay Charge 250!" the doctor said "She's gone doc!" some voice said and I just squeezed my eyes closed as Ashton tightened his grip. "I said Charge that goddamn thing on 250!" he shouted.

"Clear!" "Shock!" they responded and he pressed hard those metal things on her little chest making her whole body to  jump. The doctor pressed it again "Come back!" he said as that was his last shock. He then gave up. Ashton was sobbing and I knew he tried to calm himself for me. I wad so done. I forgot to breathe when I heard the doctors. "Time of death : 7-" 


I watched as her life drained out of her holding her hand. I was there with her parents and Brandon. Kate and Josh were there too. "I ..uh.. will... always.. protect Ashley ..she was.. my..own!" I heard Ally forcing herself to talk. 

"Don't shh..she loves you.. please Ally, rest a little!" I cried. Ashley was in my arms and she cried too when she saw me crying. "What is happening mom?" she asked as the heart monitor invaded our ears with a long lasting sound. 

Kate buried her head in Josh's chest and her parents cried loudly "No, no sister.. don't leave me! I need you!" Brandon cried hugging Ally's fresh dead body. "Ally met the angels baby!" I said to Ashley while my chest felt a knife twisting in. Kate took Ashley and went outside with her. "Ally, come back please!!" I cried "

we need you Ally.. I need you!" I cried in her chest. Her parents were crying also and I went Josh went to Brandon as he was breaking inside. "Please Ally... don't leave me!" I said but it was too late. Her beautiful face was resting peacefully on the pillow. She was so beautiful she couldn't just go "You haven't found your true love yet!" I cried.

*End of Flashback*

The doctor stopped talking and I swore I heard a beep coming from the monitor. "Yes little girl. Thank you for not dying!" I heard the doctor sigh. They all exchanged looks and couldn't believe my ears. She was alive. I felt Ashton sighing in relief and I let go of my breath that I was holding. I looked at Ashton and hugged him tightly. "Thank you baby!" I snaked my arms around his neck and kissed him softly. "I didn't do-" "You were here!" I whispered letting some tears that were still running down as I got so damn scared.

Then I saw the doctors carrying Ashley's bed out of that room. "Wait .. where are you going?" Calum asked the nurse. "We need to take her under the supervision! The doc used too much power for a child at her age. Her heart could go into a shock now. These 48 hours are critical!" she said hurrying back to Ashley. Calum and Elle came and hugged me. "It's okay babe, everything will be ok!" Calum said hugging me. 

I buried my head into Ashton's chest crying again. "I really can't lose her.." I whispered.


We both were waiting on the hall, sitting in a chair. Ashton's eyes were full in tears. Luke and Michael came along with Stella and Tiggy. "How is she?" Luke asked hugging me. "She's stable!" Calum asked as neither me or Ashton could talk. Ashton didn't make a sound at all in this whole time, he just rubbed my back, kissed my forehead or hair and stared at the floor with tears in his eyes.  

"I'm so sorry, Brooke. We came as soon as we found out!" Tiggy said wrapping her arms around my neck as Michael pat Ashton on the back. "Thanks Tiggy!" I whispered facing her. She gave me a weak smile and sat near me. 

Stella came to me and came to my height kneeling down. "How are you feeling,Brooke?" she asked worried. "Like any other mom who could lost her child at any point in these last 46 hours?" I stated as a question feeling fresh tears rolling on my cheek.

Ashton stood up from his chair and rushed out nit saying a word. "Hey mate, where are you going?" I heard Calum asking but he kept on walking away. Michael took Ashton's seat "You need to be strong Brooke! These hours will pass real quick, you'll see!" he comforted me gently rubbing my back. All I could imagine was that heart monitor stopping again. 

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