Chapter 21

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*Ten years later*

"Wake up mommy ! You're gonna be late for work" I heard a sweet voice whispering I my ear. I slowly opened my eyes and waited two or three seconds for them to adjust to the light from the room.

A smile appeared on my face when I saw my girl standing near the window opening it. "You need some fresh air,mommy !" she smiled as she struggled to open it.

"Here, let me help!" I said as I got out of the bed. "No! I can do it myself!" she said almost like a whine. I looked at her beautiful blonde curls moving as she jumped up and down when she managed to open it.

I clapped and gave her a kiss. "See mom? I told you I can do it!" she said hugging me. I took her in my arms "Come, let's have some breakfast!"

"But aren't you going to be late ?" she asked with a sweet voice.

"No Ashley, plus it's my firm, I can go there wherever I want to!" I smiled.

I watched her eating and as some sun rays hit her beautiful ocean blue colored eyes she furrowed and I laughed.

"Mom, do I have to go to school today?" she said.

"Of course you do sweetie ! You like going to school, what's wrong?"I asked.

"Well, some bullies keep calling me a bastard and I didn't know what it means so Julie told me it means a child without a father. I don't like to go to school anymore." she said as my heart broken.

I always knew this day would come. This day when she'll ask me about him, about Ashton and I have no idea what to tell her.

"Oh sweetie, but don't let then harm you in anyway, you know I'm here for you!" I said trying to avoid the father subject.

"But mom, why don't I have a father, like all the other kids?" she insisted.

"Sweetie, you know, you have a father, he is just so far away now, but he loves you and I love you and you have nothing to think about now!" I said feeling guilty as I knew Ashton had no idea this beautiful girl, his child, existed.

"Now you go, get dressed and be ready for school, I'll take you!" I continued.

She did as I told. I myself got ready for work too.

I drove her to school, kissed her goodbye and went to my work.

My life changed a lot. I'm living in America with my girl, just us too.

After I finished highschool, my dad insisted on going to Harvard so I applied there and luckily I got in.

My mom did as she said she will and she helped me raise Ashley. When I was in my exam period Ashley stayed in Australia with my parents. After I graduated, some big lawyer took me as his associate and after 2 years of practice I become a partner of the law firm. It didn't took a long time and soon I was a senior partner at the biggest law firm in New York.

Now I am actually owning the firm, its name being now Scott Davis, formed by my name and the manager partner, John Davis. I've worked so bad for this and I hate when lawyers think it's all my dad's work. I am actually a pretty good God damn lawyer. Of course I had bad times when only God knew how did I got through them.

When Ashley was little and I had to work so hard for the firm and sometimes couldn't even have time to sleep. I cried myself to sleep wishing someone was there to help me, not only someone, but Ashton. I had such a hard time knowing he's out there partying and I working and working.

I also made time for Ashley too, and I know I'm wrong about not telling Ashton he has a child, but now it's too late, too pointless. Ashley will understand me, I'm sure.

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