Chapter 10

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* Brooke's POV *

It's been 3 months since I last kissed Ash! We barely talked, we saw each other on skype and of course I saw some concerts of them on YouTube. Their fan base is growing stronger and stronger. Every day they have like 100 of new followers on Twitter and likes on Facebook.

They work pretty hard and they love every minute of being on stage. The fans are so crazy about them, they got fans coming on their concerts even from Bangladesh, India.

Ashton told me that Michael actually dates a fan, and it's crazy! He said that her name is Nafisa Ahmed.

I actually was pretty curious and I googled "michael clifford and nafisa ahmed" and I found lots of pictures with them holding hands and even kissing. They weren't high quality, but I could tell she is really beautiful and could saw that they loved each other.

I saw some fans showing hate to her and they were saying all kinds of awful things about her, but I knew that that was the jealousy speaking. Hope she doesn't care about what they are saying because she and Michael look so good together.

I was happy for Michael, at least him should be happy from all of us.

Josh managed to help me not to miss Ash so much and to actually focus on school. We have the semester papers in about two weeks and Kate spends almost her whole free time studying because it's our senior year and we need good grades so we can go to whatever college we want and her grades are not that good. She actually will fail Math if she doesn't study.

I got to spend time with Ally too, but she seems to be preoccupied with something because lately I hadn't heard from her. So most of the time I am with Josh studying or gossiping or something.

Today the boys are in Los Angeles and they have an interview with PopSugar, it's actually live so I will watch it with Josh.

Can't wait to see him and the boys. I miss Calum, they are so tired after the show and usually Ash shows me how they are sleeping. I think I talked to Calum for like 5 times in the last 3 months so yeah, I miss him a lot.

Mom told me to take Angie from ballet classes today and it was 3 pm so I guess I had to get ready and to go and take her.

I walked there and went in to see if she is ready to leave.

"Hey Angie, are you ready sweetheart?" I asked. She smiled and took my hand.

"Yes, we learned pas de ciseaux today!" she said on a little French accent.

"Really? and what's that?" I asked smiling at her.

"It's that thing when you jump and have your legs spread like a scissor, in the air and then land on just one leg " She said.

"sounds pretty difficult !"

"Yeah, it kinda is ! Can I tell you a secret?" she asked.

"Sure, tell me!". "I couldn't do it today, and some of the girls did it from the first try."

"Well, you still have time to practice! You can't know how to do everything, but after you practice some more you will see that you can do it just as easily as those girls can!" I encouraged her.

"Perhaps you are right, but still, don't tell mom, please !" She asked in a high pitched tone. "Ok, I promise I won't tell mom!" I assured her.

"Brooke, when is Ash coming to bring me some more candies?" She suddenly asked while we were still walking on our way home.

"We don't know yet, Angie! They said that they will have a tour without One Direction as well in US .It's a big deal to play in US, especially that One Direction won't be there so will be only 5SOS fans." I started rumbling.

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