Chapter 17

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With the Christmas planning party and everything happening now I forgot about the fact that Ashton is leaving again. I went shopping alone. I had to buy gifts for everyone.

I bought something for everyone but I just couldn't decide what to buy for Ashton.

It was always hard to buy something for Ashton. With him going in the North American tour I really wanted to give something for him to remember me.

I went to my personal favorite Guess watches store and stared like a fool.

"There's something I can do for you miss?" a lady asked me.

"I'm not sure! Is there any way you can make a watch for me?" I asked.

The lady there looked confused at me.

"I really want to give my boyfriend something unique!" I said.

"Oh so you want to personalize a watch?" she asked.

"Yeah, but I need it for like today!" I said.

"Well tell me how you want it to look and we will try to have it done for you by the evening!" she replied.

"Really? That quick?" I asked surprised.

"We'll try our best!" she said.

I gave her precise instructions on how I want it to look and left. After I got home I started helping with the decorations.

"Hey mom! Can you please help me with this ?"I asked her as I was carrying some Christmas decorations.

"Sure sweetie, let me take this for you!" she said taking some boxes.

"So you talked to Ashton? Is he able to come?" Mom said bringing Ashton's name up.

"Yeah, they will come !" I assured her.

I didn't see him in 2 days, he's always with Michael. I heard Nafisa had some problems with her dad and he forbidden Nafisa to have Michael as her boyfriend. Michael is heartbroken and I told Ash to stay with his friends.

The fans went crazy when they heard about Michael's break up. Some of them were really supporting and some of them were actually happy about this, but I also saw fans that were sad about it and after some time they were saying how happy they were and how Michael and Nafisa were never actually good for each other.

I knew how much they loved each other and how happy Mike was when she was around. I felt sad when Mike told me, I wish there was something I could've done. The fans were the ones I couldn't understand. Some day they would show support to Nafisa and other days they would show hate. I know the fans will go crazy if they find out about me and Ash. I don't even think I'm ready to be exposed. I hope we can keep it a secret.

"Hey Brooke!! Be careful with those we don't want them broken." my mom warned snapping me out of my thoughts. I realized I almost dropped the Christmas tree star. Even though here in Australia is summer, we always had a Christmas tree. My dad is from America and he wants it.

It was a family tradition for me to decorate the tree with dad, now Angie is doing that. I stick around watching them. "Hey Brooke, do you want to put the star this year?" Angie asked.

"It's ok Angie, you can do that! It's your turn now!" I said.

"But I'm not tall enough!" she smiled.

"Yeah Brooke, you put it this year! I know you miss it, sweetheart!" my dad said.

I rolled my eyes smiling. "I'm not tall enough either!" I said.

Thinking about you (A.I.  FF) - CompleteNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ