Chapter 31

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*Brooke's POV*
I heard my phone ringing and I got out of the bed and picked it up. I furrowed my eyebrows when I saw that Josh was calling me.
"Hey sweetie, how are you holding up?" he asked as if he knew I was in a bad mood.
"Hi Josh, not good. I'm so glad you called. I don't know what to do." I whined looking at the clock that was pointing 7am.

"Oh darling I wish I was there. So you decided to finally tell him?" Josh asked as I got really confused because I haven't talked to him about Ashton.
"What are you talking about?" "Ashton? and the little one. I saw you guys on the front page of a magazine." he said
"What?" "Uhm .. that's why I called, I thought you already knew."  he explained.

"What front page magazine?" I snapped out. "Uhm I found it this evening it says 'Ashton secret family?' with a question mark." he said making my heart to quicken up its beats.He was still in Australia so there must've been like 9pm.  "What the-? I haven't told him anything!" I said now getting all nervous. "Shit babe, you need to talk to him before he sees the magazine!" he warned.

"But what is it saying?" I asked. " 'Ashton Irwin possible secret family. See the resembles in some shocking pictures.'  and then there's more. 'Could this be his daughter? Look at them. They've been spotted in New York more than once hanging out.' Babe what happened?" he asked worried after quoting the magazine.

I told him the whole story then I realized I had to get ready for work and I had to wake Ashley up also. She goes in a trip with her school and she won't sleep home tonight. She took a shower packed her things and then I drove her to school.
I then went to work and headed ti my office.

"What is this?" Andy asked throwing the magazine Josh was telling me about on my desk. "I don't know... I said glancing at it quickly. I flicked through the pages and found that article Josh read. "I guess I'll have to go to that wedding anyways." I said looking at Andy. "Are you nuts? You're so not going!" she demanded. "I have to talk to him Andy! He brought this subject up the other night again and I can't keep hiding the truth from him. "When is the wedding?" Andy asked.
"In 2 hours?" I stated more like a question.

"Then what the heck are you still doing here? Go home! Get ready!" she demanded throwing me out of my own office. I went home again and I had no idea how to dress up.
I took a red low cut dress that fell right above my knees. I fixed my make up and loosen up my curls. I put on some perfume and then took some cream colored high heels and a cute simple cream colored purse. I put the invitation into the purse and the left.

The ride was like an hour far from New York as the wedding was in a quite place. I was thinking what the heck was I going to do when I see them.
I pulled the car off and closed the door behind me. It was a big yard near with tons of flowers and a lot of chairs. I saw Calum at the Isle waiting for Elle. He looked so fine and I have missed him so much. Michael Luke and Ashton were in his right so I guess the boys were Calum's best men. I felt their eyes laying on me as I took a seat, I smiled weakly as they're smile were so big. I then looked at Ashton and his face expression wasn't changed. He was looking so serious.

A sound announced the bride's maids coming. The first one was blonde and had big blue eyes. She was about 5'6 and had her hair straighten and let it fall on her bare shoulders.

The second one made her way in elegance. She was brown haired and I could catch her green-golden eyes when she glanced my way. She was taller than the first one, I'd say she was like 5'9.
They both stood at the isle and now were facing the bride who made her appearance with her father on her side.

I assumed she was Elle. She was not what I expected her to be. She was more beautiful than I imagined and had a reddish-brown hair. She had a perfect smile and she looked so happy in that moment. Some tears made their way to her gorgeous hazel eyes.
Her father handed her to Calum who was not slowly shaking and smiling like crazy. 
He took Elle's hand and after the priest said something they both said their vows to each other. I was looking at Ashton who seemed really happy looking at Calum saying "I do!". "You may now kiss the bride!" the priest said and Calum leaned in and kissed Elle. We all cheered and clapped. I was really happy for him.

It was really weird as everyone went towards them to congratulate them. I stepped closer to where the guys were and I finally saw Calum. "Brooke? you came!" he said taking me into a hug. "Oh my God, congratulations Calum! I can't believe you got married!" I said kissing his cheek. "Yeah, I really love Elle, you need to meet her!" he said while someone pushed me as they wanted to say congrats to Calum also. I felt someone's arms around me "Brooke, Brooke, Brooke! You decided to come, didn't you!" I heard Luke's voice ringing in my ear.

"Luke!" I turned around to face him and gave him a hug. "I've missed you!" I said snaking my arms around his neck. He squeezed me tightly "Missed you too!" he said. "I have someone I want you to meet!" he continued taking my hand and leading me to someone. It was the second bride's maid. The one with the brown hair. "This is Stella, my girlfriend!" he said "Stella this is Brooke!" he looked at her. She hugged me and I was a little overwhelmed by the action, but hugged her too. "Good to finally meet you!" she smiled.

She was really beautiful, I couldn't believe Luke finally found someone to share his love with. "It's nice meeting you too! Luke, you have to take care of this one, she's a keeper!" I said looking at Luke as he smiled. "Brooke?" I heard Michael's unchanged voice. I turned my head to his direction and I saw him holding hands with the first bride's maid. He came to me and hugged me. "Oh my God, is so good you're here! How are you?" He asked not letting go of the hug. "I'm good.. I guess" I mumbled seeing Ashton going behind the big tent that was set in that place.

Mike finally let go of me "So she's Tiggy!" he said looking at the girl who he was holding hands before. "Hi Brooke!" she smiled. Her smile was absolutely stunning. Her face was flawless and I couldn't believe the guys met these beautiful girls. "Hii, excuse me, I'll be right back!" I said looking in the direction Ashton went. The gave me strange looks, but I just went to see where Ashton was.

I felt it in my bones that something was about to happen. I walked behind the tent myself and saw Ashton's back. He was all alone so I got closer to him. "Ash?" I asked making him turn around. The minute he faced me I knew he had read the article. He barley looked at me.

"Is it true?" he then managed to ask. I fluttered my eyes shut. "Brooke, tell me! Is it true?" he asked again seeming more angry. I stepped closer to him "Look,Ash -" "Answer me Goddammit! Yes or No! Is it true!" he now shouted angrily. My heart picked up its pace when I heard him growling like that. "Yes, she's yours!" I said my voice cracking.

His face softened up and his eyes were pointing the grass. He muttered something, but I couldn't understand. My heart was beating hundred beats per second and I felt so awful. "You know I tried so hard to find an excuse for you, first I told myself you were married then I said you found someone after I left and my mind just didn't let me see the truth. How could you do this to me? She's my daughter! I have a ten year old daughter and I had no idea!" he said now picking up his voice at me again. "How cruel can you be? he asked now looking into my eyes.

I felt tears forming in my eyes. I knew that it was wrong keeping her away from him.

"You left Ashton! Remember? You left and never come back! You didn't even bother to call, once ! You gave up on us long time ago, I didn't want to use Ashley to get back at you! I didn't want to ruin your dream!" I said now tears filling my eyes.

"I gave up on us? I? And that's why you didn't read the letter I send you, that's why you didn't let me explain then to you, because it was I who gave up on us.. right?" he asked and I could see the anger in his eyes. "You didn't have to use Ashley to get back at me, I was already yours!"


Hii guys !! So i updated ! :) Hope u like this one, i know it's short but i promise i'll make the next one, longer :D Hopefully i will update tomorrow :D . Thanks for reading guys you have no idea how much it means to me. Don't forget to vote this chapter also. Lots of love <3

-Doriss G.

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