Chapter 22

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The rays of sun came through the window and lighted up the room. I heard the alarm and quickly I went, I took a shower, prepared myself for the court I was having today. I almost forgot I had to take Ashley with me. I woke her up too and  changed her into some casual clothes.

I took a two piece gray suit, along with a pale blue shirt underneath. The skirt was high wasted and I loved that suit so much. I curled my hair. Put on some strong make up and got ready to go. 


"Sweetie, I need to go in, and you can't be in, wait here on this bench until mommy's ready...ok? I will finish this quick, promise!" I said pointing at a bench and giving her a kiss.  "Ok mom!" she waved. 

I went in ready to seal the deal. "Your Honor, I'd like to make an objection! That has nothing to do with the Oil Business!" I said watching the other lawyer rolling his eyes. 

"Objection approved!" "-But Your Honor!" the lawyer started. "I said, objection approved! Now if you don't come with something useful and some actual proofs this case is closed!" the judge said as a big smile appeared on my face. 

The other lawyer squeezed his eyes looking at me and then he looked at the judge. "No, Your Honor, I don't have proofs!" he said letting his head down as my eyebrows raised. 

"Then this case is closed!" the Judge said hitting the wood hammer onto the little wooden box. I gave the lawyer a glare and after 20 minutes I finally got out of there. I went straight to the bench I left Ashley at, the one in front of the Institutional Court of  New York City. 

I furrowed when I saw her eating chocolate, I didn't remember leaving her with any money. "I'm done, Ashley! What have you done this whole time?" I asked her. She looked at me and smiled. "Well... I chased a butterfly and then I got lost, but a sweet Mr saw me and he brought me here... and bought me this chocolate too!" she said sweetly rising the chocolate for me to see it. 

I got worried when she said she got lost. "I thought I told you not to move..." I started "Where is this Mr I should thank?" I asked. "Well, he's gone ... I think he went into that direction!" she said pointing at some street. "God! Ashley, I can't afford losing you ! Did you at least thank that man for the chocolate?" I asked concerned. 

"Yes! Mom, everything is alright! Now can we go to the film? please ?" she asked smiling as she showed her teeth that were covered in chocolate. 

I cracked a laugh when I saw her. "Yes, let's go!" I said taking her hand.

It was playing Frozen at in the middle of the film I got a text. 

'I know you have your mother daughter time ... but there is someone looking for you, I think it's your next case Brooke ... Come to the office ASAP !  - Andy' 

Shit! "Hey sweetie! Mommy needs to work, do you think we can come back and watch it some other time?" I whispered in her ear. She looked at me confused. "But mom, we're in the middle of it..." "I know sweetheart, but something came up at work, we need to go!" I said. 

"Ok, but you have to promise me we will still watch it some other time!" she whispered. "Ok, promise!" I whispered too and then took her and went straight to the office. 

"So honey, I will go into a meeting now, there is a client I need to meet, can you please wait here? Andy will take care of you!" I said hugging her. "Yeah, sure!" she said sitting on a chair. I felt so sad seeing her like that. "I will make up to you, promise!" I whispered and she hugged me. "I know, you always do!" she smiled and I went in my office. 

There was a man waiting for me. Black suit, blondish and blue eyed. He was holding a glass of scotch in his left hand. His perfume filled the room and I honestly didn't mind at all the scent, it was rather pleasuring me. 

When we saw me, he stood up and came closer to me, he kissed my hand as he presented himself as Matt Emsell. I looked a bit confused, the name sounding so familiar, but quickly shook that off. 

"Brooke Scott, what can I do for you Mr Emsell?" I asked. A smile spread on his face. "Well, do you know how to keep a secret?" he asked. 

Thinking about Ashley and the actual Consular-Client Article, keeping secrets was the thing I was professional at. "Of course!" I cracked a smile. "See, we're talking about a mass secret!" he said watching my eyes to see if I got the point. 

"I'm listening!" I said squeezing my eyes slightly.  "It about a VIP!" he said still watching my every move. "Ok, I don't get it ! Cut to the chase!" I requested. 

"Some girl is accusing my boy of getting her pregnant. She said that if he won't pay her 2 million dollars she won't keep quiet and the world will know . But I know she's lying. We came to you because I've heard you're the best. We need to work on this case silently because if that girl finds out we're screwed!" he said. 

"Do you have proofs is his child?" I asked.  "No, but we don't have proofs that it isn't his either." he said biting his bottom lip. 

"Ok, well you'll have to tell me everything with lots of details anything could help!" I said as I pointed him the couch. We sat down and he started telling me. "They said it was a party and they slept together -" "Is that true?" I asked.

"I don't know, but they got some witnesses saying they saw them going into a room, alone." he said."Well, that's bad ! If the girl has witnesses it's all in her favor! So this guy slept with her?" I asked. 

"Uhmm, he doesn't exactly remember, they said they were drunk!" "And again,  not in his favor... anything you think it might actually help?" I asked."I don't know exactly, she had this whole plan ready ... that's why I'm here !" he said rising his hand sort if pointing at me. "You are the best, aren't you? You can fix this somehow...right?" he said. 

"I'd like to think so, yeah! Can you set up a meeting with this boy of yours? I asked. "He's actually in the building!" Mr Emsell said. "Perfect!" I stood up and called for Andy. 

"Hey, can you send the Mr Emsell's boy in here?" I asked Andy.  "Boy?" she furrowed her eyebrows than laughed and closed the door. I was sitting alone with Mr Emsell again . He seems older than me. He's pretty high fashioned. I wonder where did I see him ...? 

After a couple of minutes the door opens and enters a man in the room.

"I thought you said a boy!" I watched confused at Mr Emsell and then back to the man that just entered in my office. 

He was tall and muscular, he had a perfect dark gray suit with a pale purple shirt. Looking all messy, he had his shirt unbuttoned till his chest and he had a gray hat that matched the suit perfectly and some high fashioned sun glasses. I couldn't see clear his hair, but as far I could tell it was dark and kinda curly. A weird feeling got into my stomach when I saw him like that. No wonder, that girl pretends his pregnant with him. He is a fine man. 

I stood up and went to present myself. He was not moving, which seemed a little weird. I gave him my hand so we could shake hands and when I tried to say my name he cut me off. 

"Brooke Scott ..." he said and in that moment I realized it was not just a fine man, it was the boy I loved, the love of my life! Ashton Irwin was standing shocked into my office ... 


Hii guys, I know this is short, more to come today ! Xx I will update another chapter... hopefully today ! :D  Lots of love 

-Doriss G.

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