Chapter 33

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I couldn't breathe, I couldn't see anymore. My vision got blurry and I could see Ashton's mouth moving but I couldn't understand a word. Everything was moving in slow motion. I fluttered my eyes shut and I took some deep breaths while Ashton's arms wrapped around myself. 

He slowly ran his fingers through my hair and after two seconds I could hear clearly again. "Shh, babe I'm here for you." I heard his voice whispering gently. I looked at him and I suddenly felt sick. I pushed him away and quickly got out of the bed and got my clothes on. 

"Ashley is in surgery now! A car hit her and she has internal bleeding." some woman's voice was pounding hard in my head again. I watched as Ashton followed me. 

If I wasn't this preoccupied with Ashton maybe Ashley would've been safe now. "Brooke please, calm down and tell me what just happened!" he said softly following me. 

"Ashley's in sur-surgery!" I rambled my voice cracking. I watched as his face turned confused and he blinked a few times to realize that his new daughter is now in surgery. He grabbed my hand and we both got in the car. When we got to the hospital we both ran to the closest nurse. "A little girl, Ashley Scott, was hit by a car, could you tell us where is she?" I asked as she searched in the computer. 

"You have to wait, she's currently in the OR." the nurse said as my world was spinning. I was looking for someone to tell me what had just happened and my vision was blurred by tears. 

Ashton cupped my head and forced me to look into his eyes calming me down. "Brooke please, she's OK! Hold it together babe, I'm here for you! I'm here Brooke and I'm not going anywhere!We'll go through this together" he reassured me. I nodded as the vision got clear again. He kissed my forehead. 

"Ms Scott!" I heard that familiar voice. I turned around and saw Ashley's teacher. "I'm sorry, we were crossing the street and a girl left behind in the middle of the crossing and some speeded car was heading towards her. I didn't even saw, I swear, if I had saw I wouldn't have let it happen. Ashley ran to her classmate and pushed her away so the car wouldn't hit her, but unfortunately ... I'm sorry, Ms Scott!" she rambled trying to explain. 

I gasped softly trying to calm down.I felt Ashton's arms holding me tight kissing my hair. Hot tears were falling on my cheeks. "She better be alright!" I managed to say. "She will be fine, she's a heroine!" her teacher said. I fluttered my eyes shut as I didn't even want to see anything.

The pain was burning up inside of me and my chest hurt. Ashton turned me around "It's okay babe, let's just wait here to see what the doctor will say!" he held me close giving me strength. He was finally there when I needed him the most, I couldn't believe that I finally got him and I almost lost Ashley. 

The waiting was so painful. I was resting my head on Ashton's chest and he was slowly rubbing my back trying to hold me together. I saw a doctor covered in blood coming towards us. I quickly stood up and waiting for him to tell me. "You're Ashley's parents?" he asked. I glanced at Ashton "Yes!" he said standing up also. 

"How is she doctor?" I asked. His expression was serious and not at all a  happy one. "She had an internal bleeding and we tried to stop it, but there were some complications and she had lost a lot of blood. Her ribs were broke and she needs marrow transfusion." He said the tears filling my eyes again. 

"We need to run some blood tests so we can see who of you is more compatible with her!" the doctor said as Ashton and I both looked at each other. We followed the doctor and some nice nurses took blood from both me and Ashton. 

"Usually the mother is more compatible as the fetus grew inside of her." the doctor said looking at me. "Is okay I'll do anything for my little angel, she's all I have." I said. " The thing is, can't give you anesthesia. The transfusion will have to be done while you are awake and I can't lie, it will hurt like hell!" the doctor said. I furrowed my eyebrows. "What part of I'll do anything you don't get?" I asked as for me it didn't matter what I had to do so Ashley could be OK. 

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