Chapter 13

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Today was my last semester paper. I didn't get to see the boys a lot because I needed to study so they just came Monday to my place because they've missed me but left early.

Ash came everyday to my place and sometimes he just stood there watching me study, of course distracting me with his kisses. He even slept at my place last night because he said he missed me so much, he didn't want to get me tired because of the exam so he just cuddled with me.

This morning he drove me to the school and then left. I am now so nervous because the teacher is about to hand us the papers and I better know how to resolve it or my mom is gonna kill me and Ash probably too.

This one is the most difficult one, at least from my point of view! It's Math and I never really got so well in math, even though I get only As and Bs in Math class, I just think it's the most difficult exam.

I take a look on the paper and it seems so easy. I did all the exercises and finished so quickly. I looked at Kate to see how she's doing and it seems like she writes a lot, so maybe she won't fail this class.

Ally and Josh finished their papers long before me, they are basically the only A+ students in Math class.

The time was running fast and I watched over to Kate to see if she's finished and she was just finishing because when I looked at her, she put the pen down. The bell finally rang and we all gave our papers to the teacher and left.

"How did you do, Kate?" I asked her.

"Well I think I did well, I knew some exercises so I guess it was ok!" she said.

"Good! I'm glad!" I said smiling to her.

"So Josh.. we talked about that party!" I said. "Oh yeah, girls my parents left me the beach house so we can totally do a beach party!" he said excited.

"What? you got a beach house now too?" Ally laughed.

"My parents have, so I guess yeah !" he said." "What about today at 6?" I said.

"Perfect! So who are we inviting?" Josh asked.

"Guys, I don't know! I'm not really into partying mood!" Kate said.

"Oh, come on , it'll be great! We will have hot boys and buzz and you will have a great time!" Ally said.

"I know, but I'm just ... I don't know.." She said.

"Tell you what! We will have only a few people invited and we will just have fun. Just a few of us !" Josh said.

"No guys! I don't want to ruin the party for you! You should invite everyone from school!" Kate said.

"What? No way! if you're not gonna be there it won't be the same!" I said. "You will come and we can just invite the 5sos boys and Josh's hottie! We will meet Michael's girl and Luke will be there!" I continued.

"Yeah, I don't even want to see him, after not even texting for 3 months!" Kate said.

"Come on Kate! It will be just us, a few friends! it will be great!" Ally said.

Kate looked to all of us and she finally gave in and said she will come.

I talked to Ash and told him to bring the guys with him too. Josh talked to a few friends of his and we were about 20 people.

I put on my high waisted blue skirt and a pale orange crop top with some flowers on it. I took my high heeled sandals, put on some accessories.

Just when I finished curling my hair Ash texted me and said he will pick me up in 5 minutes.

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