Chapter 3

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Summer is over and I have to go back to school again! Senior year here I come! It's my last year at this high school and honestly I think I'm gonna miss coming here.

I'm not that girl who hates school or stuff, I always had great marks even though I didn't make all the homework. I respect the teachers and I am one of those A students but also never missed a party.

It's easy for me to do both. As is my last year I really need to choose what am I going to become.

I was thinking of going to Law University because I love all those stuff and my dad could teach me a lot of things, he is one of the best lawyers in the world after all, but I also love fashion and I was thinking of opening a new line for clothes. I have design some stuff and my friends always told me I have good tastes in clothes and stuff like this.


I woke up and go straight to shower. I washed myself then I wrapped a towel around me and went in the room and put on some light make up,mascara, eye liner, a little eye shadow .

I picked up my school uniform. I got so sick of it so I did a little adjustments to it. It had still the same colors but it looked more fashioned.

I let my hair to dry itself, I had it straight from birth so I curled it up a little bit and then I applied on my lips a pale pink lipstick.

I am not one if those girls who can't go to school without high heels. I like to be fashioned but my black converse snickers went just perfect with my uniform.

Me and my dad have a tradition and always on the first day he gives me a ride to school.

When I was little I used to hate the first day and didn't want to just start going to school again so my dad said he will come with me. I loved when dad was staying with me, those moments are still rare so it still is a big deal for me.

I went downstairs and had breakfast. I ate some eggs with bacon and drank a glass of orange juice.

"So sweetheart, you ready to go?" my dad asked with a smile on his face.

"yeah, I'm always ready!" I smiled.

I took my bag and went in my dad's car. He has his personal driver and he got me one too until I reach the age of 18. My dad and I were sitting in the back.

"You and Ash" my dad said rising his eyebrow.

When I heard his name my heart instinctively raised its beat and that smile found its way to my face.

"You are getting pretty serious,I see..." my dad continued

I just looked at him and smiled unable to let go of one word from my mouth.

"My girl is growing up so fast" he said tears forming in his eyes.

"I love him, dad" I finally managed to say.

He looked at me smiling. "He's a great kid, why don't you invite him over to the dinner next weekend?"

Ash is used to coming over for dinner so it wasn't some kind of big deal to have him in my house with my parents.

"Yeah, sure! I'll tell him" I smiled .

We arrived at school so I said my goodbyes and got out of the car.

I met with Kate and Ally who were waiting on me and went to our lockers. I took my biology books and left the rest in the locker and head to the bio class.

I had one of the girls with me in all my periods today. Mostly Kate, we have almost the same schedule.

School time passed pretty quickly. I went into the parking lot to meet up with Ash. As is my first day he wants to spend some little quality time with me.

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