Chapter 15

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"Hey Brooke! Wake up"

I heard a sweet voice breaking the silence. I opened my eyes to see Angie standing near my bad.

"You have to go to see your results !" she said softly.

"Morning Angie! How are you awake? What time is it?" I asked as I stood up.

"I couldn't sleep, I had some nightmares again. I kept dreaming that I would fall and break my legs and I couldn't become a great ballerina." she said.

"Aww Angie, I know you'll become the greatest ballerina ever! Don't give to much attention to those dreams you're having, you're just scared. If you think positively, the nightmares will go away!" I said smiling to her.

She raised her shoulders and smiled. I looked at the clock that pointed 8am.

I went straight to shower and let the warm water wake me and wash my body.

I put on some jeans and took an All Time Low white tank top. I put my white converse on and had my hair into a pony tail. I put on some light make up and called Ashton to see if he was still coming with me.

I went downstairs to have breakfast. My mom made me some eggs and bacon with a fresh orange juice.

When I finished eating I heard Ashton's car parking. I took my bag and went outside.

"Heyy gorgeous!" Ash greeted me.

"Hey you!" I said kissing his cheek.

"So you ready to see your results?"

"Yup, let's go! I'm actually more nervous about meeting One Direction!" I said smiling.

"Ohh, don't be! They are really cool!" Ash said touching my hand softly.

We drove to school. There were a lot of people, I hopped out of the car and went in with Ash holding my hand.

Some girls were staring, I think it was because of Ashton, they are probably 5SOS fans and didn't expect him to hold my hand considering the fact that he was 'single'.

A teacher gave me a file. My heart began to raise up when I was about to open it to see my results.

"I-I-I can't do it! I'm too stressed, I'm gonna pass out! What if I failed history?I think I didn't write it correctly!"

"Hey babe, you didn't fail ! You're an A student, you didn't fail anything! come on! You're being paranoic. Want me to open it?" Ash asked.

I looked at the file.

"No ! I can do this!". I opened

Subject :                Grade:

English                    A+

Biology                     A+

History                     A

Economics              A+

Math                        A

"Pheww! I passed everything!" I said relieved.

"Really Brooke? You were having doubts passing? You passed everything with A ! Sometimes I wonder how you can do it ! I'm honored to be your boyfriend!" Ash said hugging me.

When I hugged him I saw Kate.

"Oh my God ! No! Kate.."

I ran to her see if she was ok, because she had some tears in her eyes.

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